
The Ministry of Commerce announced the business operation situation, from January to November, toy exports increased by more than 30%

by:Ennas      2021-11-18

On December 15th, the Ministry of Commerce held a regular press conference at which it announced the operation of my country's domestic market and foreign trade from January to November this year. Spokesperson Yao Jian released the news and answered questions from reporters. Operation of the domestic market Since the beginning of this year, my country's consumer goods market has maintained steady and rapid growth. According to the monitoring of the Ministry of Commerce, in November, the sales of 3,000 key retail enterprises across the country increased by 18.6% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 0.5% lower than that in October. From January to November, the sales of 3,000 key retail enterprises across the country increased by 18.0% year-on-year, an increase of 11.3 percentage points from the same period last year.   According to the National Bureau of Statistics, in November, the total retail sales of consumer goods was 1.39 trillion, an increase of 18.7% year-on-year and an acceleration of 2.9 percentage points from the same period last year. From January to November, the total retail sales of consumer goods reached 13.9 trillion, exceeding the level of last year, an increase of 18.4% year-on-year, an increase of 3.1 percentage points from the same period last year. During the 'Eleventh Five-Year Plan' period, the consumption of urban and rural residents continued to expand and the consumption structure was upgraded, which promoted the rapid growth of the domestic market and achieved a new leap in domestic consumption. The total retail sales of consumer goods exceeded 10 trillion for the first time in 2008. When the international financial crisis raged in 2009, my country’s total retail sales of consumer goods still maintained a strong growth momentum, reaching 12.5 trillion, and it is expected to reach 15 trillion in 2010. During the period, the average annual growth rate exceeded 17%. The proportion of total retail sales of social consumer goods in the country's GDP has increased year by year, from 34.4% in 2006 to 37.4% in 2009. In response to the impact of the international financial crisis, my country promptly introduced 20 measures to invigorate circulation and expand consumption, which played a positive role in expanding domestic consumption. In 2009, final consumption expenditures drove national economic growth by 4.6 percentage points, and consumption contributed to economic growth. Reaching 53.1%, the contribution of domestic consumption to economic and social development has further increased. Regarding foreign trade, according to customs statistics, in November, my country’s imports and exports amounted to US$283.76 billion, a year-on-year increase of 36.2%. Among them, exports were 153.33 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 34.9%; imports were 130.44 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 37.7%, and the import and export surplus was 22.89 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 20.7%. In November, the value of imports and exports, exports and imports all hit record highs.   From January to November, my country’s imports and exports amounted to 2677.28 billion U.S. dollars, a year-on-year increase of 36.3%. Among them, exports were US$1423.84 billion, an increase of 33%; imports were US$125.53 billion, an increase of 40.3%, and the import and export surplus was US$170.41 billion, a decrease of US$6.89 billion from the same period last year, a decrease of 3.9%. The main features of foreign trade operations this year:    First, the scale of import and export continues to expand, and the growth rate has accelerated. In November, the import and export volume exceeded US$280 billion for the first time, setting a record high for the fourth time this year. Among them, the growth rates of exports and imports accelerated by 12 and 12.4 percentage points respectively from the previous month, and the surplus was more than US$20 billion for two consecutive months. Among them, the export of mechanical and electrical products increased by 31.2%, an acceleration of 9.9 percentage points from the previous month. The export of some light industrial products has grown rapidly, and the export of clothing, textiles, footwear, furniture, plastics, bags, and toys all increased by more than 30%.   The second is the continued expansion of overall imports. Import growth in November reached the fastest growth rate in the second half of this year, with a year-on-year increase of 37.7%. The import of my country's major trading partners has accelerated significantly, becoming the most important and fastest-growing export market for relevant countries. Among them, imports from Japan increased by 36.9%, EU 32.6%, ASEAN 47.5%, South Korea 37.3%, Taiwan 37.9%, imports from the United States increased 32.2%, and Australia 55.4%.   Third, the scale of the trade surplus has further decreased. From January to November this year, the trade surplus fell by 3.9% year-on-year and 34.2% year-on-year, and the trade imbalance has improved. In terms of enterprises, state-owned enterprises had a deficit of US$136.7 billion, an increase of 59.3%; foreign-funded enterprises had a surplus of US$112.5 billion, a decrease of 1.6%; and other enterprises had a surplus of US$194.61 billion, an increase of 31.1%. In terms of trade methods, the general trade deficit was US$37.83 billion, an increase of 13.3 times; the processing trade surplus was US$291.1 billion, an increase of 22.8%; the other trade deficit was US$82.86 billion, an increase of 44.7%. The accumulated deficit with South Korea, Japan, Australia, ASEAN and Taiwan was US$235.32 billion, a year-on-year increase of 59.8%.  Fourth is to maintain rapid growth in bilateral trade with major emerging markets. From January to November this year, exports to the three traditional markets of Europe, America and Japan increased by 33.3%, 29.5% and 24.9% respectively, accounting for 45.5% of our exports. In the same period, exports to emerging markets such as India, Russia, South Africa, and Brazil increased by 39.9%, 72.7%, 48%, and 78.1% respectively, and exports to ASEAN increased by 33.6%. China has become the largest trading partner and export destination of Japan, South Korea, ASEAN, Australia, Brazil, South Africa and other countries, the EU's first trading partner and second largest export destination, and the second largest export destination of the United States. Trading partner and third largest export destination.  Click here for details: Ministry of Commerce holds press conference Source: Ministry of Commerce
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