The man let's henan statuettes show today

by:Ennas      2020-06-04
Core clew: July 1 founding festival will come, for the 95th anniversary of the founding of the communist party of China, a children show the central image '' let's henan people' portrait sculpture exhibition 'will be held today ( On June 28) Is July 1 to building the day will come, for the 95th anniversary of the founding of the communist party of China, a children show the central image '' let's henan people' portrait sculpture exhibition 'will be held today ( On June 28) Carried out formally. The exhibition organized by zhengzhou city construction figurine institute, display a group of figurines home GengYuJing works as the representative of good figurines, roll over a month, welcome the masses of residents and students to visit. West ring construction professional exhibition location: zhengzhou zhengzhou figurine institute show time: on July 28, 28 June solstice
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