The latest list of 2020 Tmall Double 11 toy brands is released! The Disney brand ranked sixth

by:Ennas      2022-01-27
Recently, Toys Frontier has analyzed and interpreted some data on the Tmall Toys top20 list, and let’s take a look at the mainstream trends of industry development behind the list of toys. As of October 21st to November 4th, in the 2020 11.11 Tmall pre-sale list, the top ten brands of toys/babys/puzzles/building blocks/models are LEGO/LEGO, BABYCARE BY PHILEMON, and Qiaohu. , Coyobi, Brooke, Disney, Moebaby, beiens/Bernsch, TOI/Tuyi, Fisher. In terms of pre-sales, Lego has broken 94 million, and the Disney brand ranked sixth. From the top 20 at the beginning of the pre-sale to the present, the follow-up force is also full of stamina. Toy brand Top20IP blessed the building blocks to have a more stable position in the toy industry. In the 2020 Double 11 Tmall toy pre-sale list, it involves inserting building blocks to grab 9 seats. The winner of the Tmall Double 11 toy brand is the big man in the building block industry. Lego, the pre-sale amount has reached more than 94 million yuan (as of November 4). In recent years, building blocks can be described as hard currency in the toy market. Domestic and foreign building block companies have improved their hard power in all aspects, pushing new products on the one hand, and looking for IP blessing on the other. Judging from the toy brands on the list, building wooden tables, barrels, and box building blocks are still popular this year. The fifth-ranked building block brand Bruco, barreled building blocks in the Tmall flagship store is a hot-selling baby Top of the list; Mengbao’s flagship store for mothers and babies ranks seventh. The top three best-selling babies are children’s multifunctional building blocks, children’s large particle building blocks, and children’s building tables. The price of babies is between 15 and 200 yuan. Another building block brand, Wangao, in the flagship store, the top selling baby is also the building table. From the perspective of storage, many companies are aware of the necessity to develop the storage function of building block toys. In addition to barrels and boxes of building blocks, their products are more likely to open up new market space for building tables that combine multiple building blocks. Of course, all businesses are combining building block products with IP and education. Taking Lego as an example, in order to fight for a broader Chinese market, this year the main promotion of localized IP elements, choose 'Journey to the West' as the inspiration design to launch Wukong Xiaoxia series of products. Of course, the domestically produced building blocks Bruco with the original IP of Bubu, Lulu, and Coco are also recognized by consumers at home and abroad. In addition, more toy companies are also looking at more IP elements, from last year’s popular animation Nezha to this year’s IP elements such as Onmyoji, Journey to the West, Wenchuang Yueyang Tower, many toys Companies hope to break through with the blessing of IP. The strength of intelligent early education toys should not be underestimated. In the toy pre-sale list, the strength of intelligent early education machines should not be underestimated. In the best-selling list, the brands involved in early education machines include Qiaohu, Niutingting, Xiaobien, and Huohuotu. As the first brand to enter the early education market, Qiaohu topped the list. From the Tmall flagship store, the price of a set of educational toys can reach thousands of yuan. In terms of product prices, the average price of Huohuo rabbit products is 300 yuan, Niutingting's average price is 900 yuan, and the average price of Xiaobian is 700 yuan. It can be seen that the price of smart early education machines is not uniform, but it does not affect parents' attention to early education machines. As a consumer, the smart early education machine certainly places the parents' infinite expectations on their children, hoping to accompany their children to learn and grow. In terms of product attributes, in recent years, the functions of early education machines have been continuously expanded. Different early education machines focus on different content. The products involve mathematics, English translation, stories, children's songs and other content, which can meet the urgent needs of parents at different levels. In general, the best-selling brands have attributes such as early education, intelligence, and intelligence, and are more favored by the new generation of consumers.
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