The late Chinese master Chen Shaomei exhibition in tianjin

by:Ennas      2020-06-17
Core tip: in memory of the traditional Chinese painting master Chen Shaomei's birth in one hundred, 9 in the morning, by the CPC Central Committee, Chinese people's political consultative conference (CPPCC), tianjin Chen Shaomei exhibition, sponsored by the tianjin committee of the Chinese painting and calligraphy art museum. In memory of the traditional Chinese painting master Chen Shaomei's birth in one hundred, 9 in the morning, by the central CPC and Chinese people's political consultative conference Chen Shaomei exhibition sponsored by the department of tianjin municipal committee, carried out in tianjin committee of the Chinese painting and calligraphy art. Created by famous statuette JiaJing education people Chen Shaomei statue, also in the day which was in front of the ancient culture street, palace square. It is reported that this exhibition exhibits Chen Shaomei 40 works in different periods, involving landscapes, figures, etc. , many works are on display for the first time. Tianjin art academies, said dean He Jiaying Chen Shaomei is one of the most outstanding artist of the 20th century in China, not only the traditional charm of his landscape painting, and full of distinctive personal style. To commemorate the 100th birthday of Chen Shaomei, looking back on his art road, will give us a lot of beneficial enlightenment.
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