The jade identification ( A) _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2020-06-07
Core tip: good jade mostly very expensive, sort out the technical requirements is very high, the vast majority of investors or consumers are difficult to identify the advantages and disadvantages, true and false, with a slow, easy to buy inferior good jade mostly very expensive, sort out technical requirements is very high, the vast majority of investors or consumers are difficult to identify the advantages and disadvantages, true and false, with a slow, easy to buy inferior products or fake goods, major economic losses. Professionals to identify true and false of jade rock ore appraisal method can be used, through scientific instruments is relatively easy to identify the authenticity of jade, the average consumer is difficult to distinguish true and false jade. Years of experience tells us that some false jade and jade is very similar, if through a magnifying glass look carefully, if its internal have bubbles, it mostly under-burnt clinker or plastic fake. Some false jade micro has fly feet lines on the surface, no matter how artificial friction can warm, brittle, even this may be to suppress or plastic imitation stone powder. Pretending to be fake jade color or white stone, flash point is quite similar to the jade, but are not warm, and often clear excessive color, opacity, its hardness is much lower than jade, because of their hardness is low, so the real jade, no matter what friction will not change, what and the grinding the moist. The friction and ordinary stone, will change immediately, have stripes. Of the fake jade identification in addition to the above methods, the main from the identification of the jade. In an age of science is not developed, the ancients can't identify the mineral composition of gems and jade, therefore, met gems with color to distinguish. Today, although we have knowledge of mineralogy, but on the quality of the jade identification, the colour of jade is still one of the important basis, because the color is a sign of the most intuitive and easy to identify, with the naked eye can see. Jade for a wide variety of colors and mineral composition. That is to say, the color of jade with its internal mineral to visible light, The white light) The absorption of different wavelengths and degree of absorption. And mineral in color with mineral pigment contained in ion and the shortcomings of crystal.
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