The image of PangMaoKun figurines of CAI

by:Ennas      2020-06-04
Core tip: PangMaoKun works the thinker. The art of higher-ups has never been exhibited in chongqing PangMaoKun works the thinker. These art higher-ups has never been exhibited in chongqing works of art, finally came to the mountain! Yesterday afternoon, as one of national art funded projects, 'Chinese contemporary art yearbook exhibition 2015' in the university town of sichuan academy of fine arts gallery openings, PangMaoKun, jian-guo sui, CAI, MiaoXiaoChun 14 contemporary famous artists, such as will display to October 7, the entire journey free open to the audience. CAI works the first chongqing 'yearbook of Chinese contemporary art exhibition' is the new development of contemporary art exhibition, the exhibition of new methods, new things, began in 2014, chongqing is the first leg of the yearbook exhibition tour in 2015, the exhibition is also almanac exhibition out of Beijing for the first time. Beijing people's livelihood of modern art curator Zhou Xujun told reporters: 'yearbook exhibition every year will pick the best and most creative contemporary artists, there are 126 artists from 2015, the final work to participate in the exhibition of less than a third of the artist, the tour to chongqing is selected 14 artist again. 'The reporter saw, including PangMaoKun, jian-guo sui, CAI, MiaoXiaoChun contemporary artists, etc. CAI 'ladder' also appears in the image works in the exhibition, 'Jacob's ladder' recorded on June 15, 2015, CAI in fujian quanzhou, a performance art, CAI used gunpowder to make the sky appeared a long 500 meters, the width 5. 5 meters 'ladder'. This is the first time CAI works in chongqing art gallery, as a play with gunpowder famous contemporary artists, 2008 Beijing Olympic Games opening ceremony of the big footprints let the world know him. PangMaoKun figurine works at dean mentioned sichuan beauty PangMaoKun, his paintings believe many viewers have seen, but have you ever seen his statuettes work? PangMaoKun figurine works on public display for the thinker will for the first time in chongqing. A corner in the exhibition hall, two right angles to the blocks is put before the stainless steel panel, stands a similar small famous statue home rodin's stainless steel small statue of the thinker. PangMaoKun tells a reporter, this work is a piece of his solo exhibition in Beijing in 2015, was also his first attempt at small sculpture creation. 'Works for me this theme image creation, real image from rodin's' thinker '. 'Said PangMaoKun, he wrote a series of the classic work of evolution in the art history, make its and mirrors. 'In this work, the thinkers were people to watch, but he also see your from inside the mirror. 'PangMaoKun reporter said,' it's like in the media age now, every one of us to do anything, your watch will be other people watch at the same time. 'PangMaoKun revealed that in the later creation he will continue to try to figurines, equipment and technique of expression. Our correspondent ling-qiang kong
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