The han dynasty figurines _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2020-06-11
Core clew: han dynasty social prevailing 'filial piety', cause the lights, the wind, the art of tombs in great quantities, construction used in building the tomb, stone temple, stone deficiency and tomb paintings, murals, BoHua, decorative stone, portrait of the han dynasty social prevailing 'filial piety', cause the lights, the wind, the art of tombs in great quantities, construction used in building the tomb, stone temple, stone deficiency and tomb paintings, murals, BoHua, decorative stone, brick, and small sculpture for grave tomb figurines, stone carvings, calligraphy for stone inscription, arts and crafts used in funerary wares, etc. Han dynasty figurines big development, since the lights, small tomb sculpture developed. Han dynasty tomb figurines are mainly divided into two kinds big, namely LingQian stone tomb and the tomb. LingQian stone carvings of shaanxi province is the most representative XingPing MAO ling huo qubing the big stone tomb, simplicity, great momentums, is a model of monumental sculpture in ancient China. Han dynasty figurines in addition to the tomb figurines, and arts and crafts decoration on small sculptures, bronzes and jades on the adornment of the small sculpture. All in all, small sculptures of the han dynasty plain vivid, imposing manner, masculinity, full of vitality, han dynasty reflected the positive enterprising, great as the spirit of the age.
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