The first guangzhou youth figurines 2018 invitational exhibition opened in guangzhou

by:Ennas      2021-09-24
Core clew: on October 26, 2018, sponsored by the Canton heaven and earth, guangzhou figurine institute, guangzhou orchestrated by a leap culture communication co. , LTD. 'the first guangzhou youth figurines 2018 invitational exhibition in guangzhou pearl river on October 26, 2018, sponsored by the Canton heaven and earth, guangzhou figurine institute, guangzhou orchestrated by a leap culture communication co. , LTD. ' the first guangzhou youth figurines 2018 invitational exhibition in guangzhou pearl river new city Canton atrium square opening of heaven and earth. Small statue of the exhibition invited to guangzhou, the CPPCC national committee, the world famous Xu Hongfei figurines house and more than ten famous statuette, exhibited and guangzhou figurine institute in recent years, a large number of small boutique statue. In recent decades, with the development of cities, improvement of people's aesthetic standards, the commonality of figurines and appreciation sex is becoming more and more emphasized, the outdoor space display requirements, the spiritual demand of mass culture, more challenges are put forward for small statue. Top of the international community also pay more and more attention to artistic and cultural atmosphere to build, keenly awaited can introduce more and more activities related to art. Canton is leading in this field. Located in guangzhou pearl river new city CBD Canton heaven and earth, by the world famous Obama Dan take construction group adopt Lifestyle Center established forms, assembled consulate officials and executives of the world's top 500. Wide guangdong heaven and earth as the only in guangzhou and south China with the intersection of lingnan culture and international culture and art center, the life of a Chinese and western culture and art fashion center, deducing the elegance of The Times, with the inheritance has been keen to hold all kinds of arts and humanities activity, is committed to create artistic atmosphere thick and open international community, let the life of art, in this together. The 1st and the '2018 guangzhou youth figurines home invitational exhibition, also brought a for public art in the lords. The exhibition, obtained the support of institute of guangzhou figurines statues will be a large number of small boutique is presented to the general art lovers. The first founded in 1956, guangdong figurine art professional institutions. Founded more than 60 years, created a large number of high-quality goods of guangzhou and even the whole China figurine art, such as the sun yat-sen memorial like sun yat-sen memorial hall, guangzhou uprising martyrs cemetery 'guangzhou uprising monument', of course also includes the figurines of the trademark, guangzhou guangzhou yuexiu mountain 'wuyang stone'. This time the '2018 guangzhou youth figurines invitational exhibition', also held for the guangzhou small statue of a large number of outstanding young figurines home works of art provides exhibition, art exchange, inspiration, and public art lovers an excellent chance to close contact with the platform. As figurines courtyard dean, guangzhou famous statuette, Mr Xu Hongfei said at the opening ceremony of 'guangzhou youth figurines, invitational exhibition is a good platform, such as outdoor statuettes show guangzhou also rare, and even unique. For youth figurines home, also is a platform of showing their art, very grateful to the organizers of guangzhou youth figurines of the support, also very grateful to the curator of activity meticulously, make art out of the museum, walk into the community. 'The exhibition in addition to a large number of fine figurines, exhibition itself is also a big attraction. In order to better display figurines artwork, color display of three steel structure, strong steel structure, symbolizes the life of people busy nervous, people will be divided into numerous fragments of the plate with time. Curator fang want to express is: even so, still hope people can save a space for art, so life will be colorful. This exhibition will be divided into three phases, the first exhibition for October 26, 2018 - On November 8, the second phase of the exhibition time is on November 22, 2018 - On December 2, the third phase of the exhibition time on December 21, 2018 - On January 1, 2019. Points of three phase of the exhibition theme respectively 'art. Sense ', 'art. Want to ', 'art. The world '. Each issue will be on display figurines from guangzhou institute of different youth figurines home works fine, roll over every Saturday and Sunday, there will be professional personnel free interpretation of the artwork for the audience, the interpretation of many exquisite peripheral products can buy more. The exhibition is open to the public free of charge.
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