The figurines of art and design characteristics

by:Ennas      2020-06-23
Summary: a small statue is using the plasticity, can be carved material, through the carved, engraved, plastic, casting, welding and other means to reflect social life, expressing the aesthetic ideal has the figurines of the plastic arts, three-dimensional entity is using the plasticity, can be carved material, through the carved, engraved, plastic, casting, welding and other means to reflect social life, to express aesthetic ideal has a three-dimensional entity modelling art, is a kind of static, visible and touchable three-dimensional entity, the modelling with body image and the space form reflect reality, call it a 'solidification of dance and poetry'. With the development of the era and the change of the concept, in modern art tradition of 4 d, 5 d dynamic figurines, figurines and soft figurines. Make people changed the concept of time and space, break through the traditional three-dimensional static form, to the multidimensional exploration on the mindset of space and time. Many different kinds of figurine, according to the production of materials used, can be divided into the boulder, the stone carving, wood carving, clay sculpture in the chahai, metal figurines, glass fiber reinforced plastic figurines, figurines on with pastel color emboss or painted sculpture. Among them, the metal small statue is made of copper, iron, stainless steel and other metal materials, after casting, hammer, to small statue of welding techniques such as work, generally easy to make large permanent statue.
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