The European Union recalls a Mercedes electric toy car: children may be electrocuted

by:Ennas      2022-01-08
The European Union issued a recall on the 23rd of the domestic Mercedes electric toy car: the rear motor is overheated, and the electrical insulation of the battery is not enough. Children may get electric shock. China and foreign toy network news, recently, the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine Defective Product Management Center issued a foreign consumer product recall notice, the EU issued a recall on the 23rd of the domestic Mercedes electric toy car, defects and consequences: the rear motor overheated, causing burns risk. The electrical insulation of the battery is insufficient, and children may get an electric shock.   If you find that your product has similar problems, you can visit the defect information report section of the AQSIQ Defect Product Management Center website to submit detailed information.  Keywords: toy safety recall
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