The eighth shenzhen figurines biennale 'we have never been involved in'

by:Ennas      2021-09-26
Core tip: by oct contemporary art center ( 'He') Figurines sponsored by the eighth shenzhen biennale in 2014 May 16 solstice nanshan district in shenzhen on August 31 oct creative enping street article by oct contemporary art center ( 'He') Figurines sponsored by the eighth shenzhen biennale will May 16 solstice in 2014 on August 31, nanshan district in shenzhen oct creative enping street culture, he shenzhen pavilion park and B10 exhibition. This year, he is pleased to invite the curator at the Tate modern public project total Marco Danny ( Marko Daniel) As a curator at the biennale of Marco Danny you have rich experience in international curators, for preparing the exhibition, Danny you for artists in China and Europe has carried on the thorough investigation, put forward 'we have never been involved in' small statues as the eighth shenzhen biennale exhibition theme. The eighth shenzhen figurines biennale will continue to develop 'social figurines' ( 社会雕塑) This concept. 'Social figurines' initially by Joseph beuys ( 约瑟夫·博伊斯) Is put forward, it expanded the concept of figurines, beyond the physical form, and involvement in social relations. He proposed the establishment of a social organism 'as a work of art' is one of the challenges is the source of artistic creation and participatory relationship. In recent years, the 'participation' has covered all kinds of trying to achieve diversity relationships, cooperation, interaction and the art of social intervention, it is to emphasize scenarios and encounter, and non-food form and structure. Although this way of artistic creation has a long history - — Can be traced back to the 1960 s or earlier, this process also there is a significant change, the important thing is that participatory art from a radical borderline practice to mainstream international exhibition projects. In the process of participatory art become the new orthodoxy, it lost a lot of contact between boyce utopian belief, and believe that art has the potential to revolutionize change or aggressive intervention to public areas. The biennale focused on such a time, when the audience participation to be works of art the guarantee of quality: participation is no longer an end in itself, it is neither necessary nor sufficient. As a result, the concept of 'participation' after to discuss, not so much the disappearance of the participatory practice, than it had been widely accepted and become the fact that one of the common ways of contemporary art. Use of American art critic and curator, gene McHugh, ( Gene McHugh) Description of 'art' after the Internet, in such a 'participation' has become 'the less innovation, stick to the more', to re-examine its behind a series of presupposition and the thought value becomes more important. 'We have never been involved in' is the claim of the French social scientists and anthropologists Bruno latour ( 布鲁诺•拉图) 'We have never been modern' (the important work 我们从来没有现代,1991) The restatement. Exhibition title refers to on the different modes of participation: from refused to take part in a routine work of art project, to those in the history has never been involved in traditional and those unable to carry out radical art in art practice, not to mention the possibility of public participation. After the 'engagement' under the logo, selected works of the biennale caused a viewer free judgement in different extent of participation, whether through action at the invitation of reflection, criticism or meditation. These contemporary or early works through different media constitute the content of the exhibition, to participatory art and the history of social research provides a reference frame can be contemporary art practice. Exhibition in daily life, the life has not been paid attention to in aspects of, look be like common space, structure, construction for reference, and provides a variety of social reality aesthetic form. The biennale will also present a set of archives, libraries, and device in one of the documentation center. And through the organization rich public projects to form a platform around the biennale theme discussion. Participate in these programs include the artists and other invited speakers and participants. Specific time the speech, please concern he shenzhen pavilion weibo, WeChat and official website.
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