
The coordinates of city - Landscape figurines

by:Ennas      2020-05-28
Core tip: landscape, hear the word do people think of the west lake in hangzhou, guilin landscape, jiuzhaigou, the potala palace, and so on domestic beautiful landscape, all is the place where people are longing. So for landscape scene, hear the word do people think of the west lake in hangzhou, guilin landscape, jiuzhaigou, the potala palace, and so on domestic beautiful landscape, all is the place where people are longing. So for landscape figurines to understand how much? It has what meaning, which is the symbol of what? Wen Liang tripod factory detailed explanation for you. Landscape figurine is a kind of small sculpture design, it includes figurines, figurines, a village landscape of urban landscape garden figurines. Many environmental landscape is the landscape evolved figurines. Landscape figurines also plays an important role in the design of the environment, it is also one of the important contents of urban environmental planning. Many excellent landscape figurine works becomes the coordinates of a city. Landscape the placement of the figurine is is very exquisite, it is the location of the display and design, determines whether it can become an important landscape or the symbols of the city. Landscape figurine does not mean that must be a large, sometimes remember meaning landscape figurines will be smaller. Good landscape figurines often and it's environment is photograph echo, it is the whole city has the affinity, is the embodiment of the city spiritual civilization.
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