The collection and preservation of Transformers

by:Ennas      2021-12-08

Shang Xiaoyang and his collection of Transformers models in Bashu Lijing Community, Yubei District. Reporter Li Huashe Chinese Commercial News reporter Kang Yingying Huang Yayun 'Optimus PrimeCrazy. When they were young, being able to own an animated Transformers toy was also their biggest dream in childhood.   Recently, with the popular Hollywood blockbuster 'Transformers 4Yesterday, the reporter interviewed three senior 'Gangsi' and learned about the world of Transformers enthusiasts from their narration.   Mechanical control has collected more than 300 transformers in the past five years.    For most 'wiresAt 3 o'clock in the afternoon yesterday, the reporter went to the Bashu Lijing community in Yubei District and met Shang Xiaoyang, the 'Gangsi' born in the 1970s. As soon as the reporter stepped into his home, he was shocked by the sight in front of him: at the corner on the right side of the living room, there was a glass display case over 2 meters high and 1.8 meters wide filled with a dazzling array of Transformers.   'This is only a quarter of the total number of my collection.' Shang Xiaoyang opened the chatterbox. He told reporters that the display cabinet could not fit, so he kept it neatly in the box, 'I have been collecting since 2010, and the total number of Transformers now adds up to more than 300, of which the most expensive is worth more than 3,000 yuan.' . Shang Xiaoyang recalled that when he was in the fourth grade of elementary school, he had already started chasing Transformers crazily. “Every boy is mechanically controlled, and he is particularly interested in science fiction, so his classmates were conquered by Transformers. NS'. Shang Xiaoyang still clearly remembers that his first Transformers toy was bought for him by his mother on a business trip in Shanghai. “The price was 44 yuan. At that time, my mother’s salary was only 50 yuan a month. I was obsessed with Transformers, so I gritted my teeth and bought it for me.' Shang Xiaoyang also said that he saved up new year's money and pocket money before he could buy a pirated Transformers worth three and five dollars. Genuine Transformers toys have always been their “luxury” back then.   Audiophile A special room to store tens of thousands of Transformers    35-year-old Huang Yin, who lives in Jiangbei District, is a senior 'Gangsi'. He has been collecting Transformers since 2000, and he is considered a hardcore Transformer collector. There is also a special room in his home to store his collection of tens of thousands of Transformers. 'The most expensive Transformer in my family is the botcon annual meeting limited gift box set. The current market price of that set is about 10,000 yuan.' Huang Yin told reporters that the value of Transformers is actually based on its release. It is determined by the quantity of the goods and the age. If it is a limited edition, the price will be higher; if it is old and well preserved, the price will be higher.  Dream Realizer Because he simply likes to have 150 Transformers in his home.    32-year-old Fan Xiaodong has more than 150 Transformers models in his home in Jiangbei District and is also an avid fan of Transformers. 'Collecting Transformers is just to fulfill a dream when I was a kid.' Fan Xiaodong told reporters, 'When I was a child, a genuine Transformers cost more than 100 yuan. At that time, my dad's salary was only 300 yuan a month. For me, buying Transformers is completely an unattainable dream. Now that I grow up, I just like to collect so many Transformers. Most of Transformers are plastic products, which will cause oxidation over time. This is why the rare version of Transformers costs tens of thousands of dollars, but most of them have no market price. The reason is that its appreciation space is very limited.”    The most relevant Transformers are worthy of a car. The reporter learned that it is now on the market. Most of the Transformers sold on the website are models of movie and reissue versions produced in recent years, and the prices are mostly between 200 and 400 yuan. The re-engraved version is made according to the original model of G1, each with a steel stamp, and marked with the production year and serial number. 'The marked production year and serial number determine the value of this Transformer. The value of the old Transformers is relatively high. Like the G1 version of Transformers in 1984, the current market price has reached 100,000 yuan, which is comparable to a car. The price of a car.' Huang Yin said that some Transformers are treasures that can't be bought with money. 'Like the 86 edition of the Collectible Big Mac Ford, this one is the largest among the Transformers now, and many players may not be able to find the genuine one with money.' The reporter then searched for Transformers on Taobao, a MISB. The price of the limited edition golden Optimus Prime is 68,000 yuan. And another online shop sells the American purchasing agent Transformers toy model, the series MPM-2 Hornet is also priced at 68,000 yuan.  Weapon   How to collect?   Shang Xiaoyang said that first of all, we must understand the purpose of the collection. If it is a pure collection, do not open the package after buying it. The more complete the preservation, the higher the appreciation value. 'If it is pure play, there will be no restrictions in this area.'  How to save?   'Dust is the biggest enemy of Transformers toys.' Shang Xiaoyang said that you can buy some small soft brushes to regularly remove dust from Transformers toys.
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