The clouds of the sky and large outdoor device statuettes show will be held in Beijing

by:Ennas      2020-06-04
Summary: with the Beijing art center of gravity to the east, the german-american arts fine art and comfortable guest, german-american comfortable, jointly organized by Beijing Olympic aquatic park 'clouds of the sky' - — And large outdoor gear with Beijing art center of gravity to the east, by DE beauty art jia and comfortable guest, german-american comfortable, jointly organized by Beijing Olympic aquatic park 'clouds of the sky' - — And large outdoor gear statuettes show is on June 5, 2016 in grand launch of the Beijing Olympic aquatic park, its extension will since the opening last October 20, 2016. The exhibition by Tang Chenghua, Fan Xiaoyan, Ren Zhe three artists to participate on display. 'Sky clouds' of large installation is Tang Chenghua teacher, unique to make mark, high purity color and medium to the material used as the most basic language elements will frame on the next two parts closely link together, to broaden the space of the painting art. The artist Tang Chenghua - 1994 In 2002, was hired as Japan's NHK cultural center lecturer; 1999 - In 2000, hunter college, city university of New York art in the us; 2002 - In 2005, was hired as a visiting professor at xi 'an academy of fine arts; In 2006, should be the British Cambridge st. barnabas international printmaking center invited compound. In 2007, at the invitation of German hong block by Greek island foundation at the station in producing works of art; 2015 'the first national comprehensive material painting biennale' judge committee member; Currently he is associate professor of central academy of fine arts print system, supervisor of postgraduate. Fan Xiaoyan - Fan Xiaoyan - double protection In full bloom of life in the same period Fan Xiaoyan exhibited works and artists. In 2008, graduated from Fan Xiaoyan figurines of the central academy of fine arts department, received a bachelor's degree. Galeries lafayette held solo exhibition in Beijing in 2013 'soft coup just'; Opera gallery in Paris, France in 2013 named after personal solo exhibition; In Geneva, Switzerland in 2011 opera gallery exhibitions 'I still believe that' and so on. Fan Xiaoyan - Double shield Ren Zhe figurines graduated from tsinghua university academy of fine arts department, association, member of China figurine is one of the new generation grew up at a small new statue. He is good at absorbing nutrition from the traditional ideology and culture resources, the Oriental verve of meditation and the western modern temperament as a bridge, the perfect combination of traditional Chinese culture and western modern art ably figurines into their own unique language. 2013 'the cloud' Ren Zhe personal exhibition; 2011 the spirit of solidification Ren Zhe personal exhibition in Asia; In 2009 held the shengshi qi xi Ren Zhe figurines solo exhibition, etc. Ren Zhe works - 'Scenic spots 1 as one of the exhibition organizers of the Beijing german-american jia culture industry co. , LTD. ( Hereinafter referred to as: german-american art jia) After six years of development, the company has formed a financial promotion, art, art solutions, real estate business model, is the whole industry chain art solution provider. Flowers by german-american art jia in shunyi international port of blockbuster launch 'comfortable art' is not only to provide art studio for artists, also invited domestic and foreign outstanding artists in Beijing communication, creation, exhibitions, etc. , to move into an artist create a conducive to the creation and communication space. Currently 'comfortable art' has been successfully held in port of flowers 'everything' cow Chen large outdoor statuettes show and 'the beauty of art and hand made crossover, and Chinese contemporary artists', pomp, received extensive attention of people from all walks of life. At the same time, there have been many artists, design firms, such as hand as builders compete to come 'home art', brand of top class coffee DENLI and painting materials shops are also in this place, 'home' to create the beautiful garden art, to Beijing east art center of gravity to forge international art industry base took a solid first step. Due to the opening of the Beijing Olympic aquatic park on June 5 large outdoor device statuettes show 'of the sky clouds' melt 'transboundary nature, art, life at the same time, 艺术融合) The theme of 'creation and exchange activities at an organic whole, reflect the artist form, the work of nature phenomenon, and the feeling in the heart of the world, looking for space to mind wander. Through the space to express a kind of feelings, and the feeling of nature. Ren Zhe works - '2' of the sky clouds 'scenic spots and large outdoor device exhibited statuettes show time: solstice on June 5, 2016 on October 20, the opening time: June 5, 2016, On Sunday) Technology exhibition location: Beijing Olympic aquatic park ( Because the park can't stop, please put my car in the park south gate across the parking lot, on foot from the south gate entrance) Production: german-american art jia gen guest german-american comfortable comfortable art Beijing Olympic aquatic park admission notice: long press photo scan qr code can obtain the clouds of the sky 'and large outdoor device statuettes show limited opening tickets. With this proof of identity before entrance. PS: this ticket is only used to 17:30pm on June 5, 2016 Use the 7:30 the opening ceremony. 'Sky clouds' limited opening tickets
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