The Christmas orders of Dongguan enterprises this year are basically the same as last year

by:Ennas      2021-12-17

The staff of Longchang Toys introduced robot toy products to merchants at the exhibition. (Photo by Zheng Zhibo) This year, Dongguan toy companies’ Christmas orders are the same as last year, and the increase in product technology has increased order profits.    Dongguan Time Net News There will be Christmas in the West in a few days, so how about the situation of Dongguan companies’ Christmas orders this year? The reporter visited some representative toy companies in Dongguan yesterday. These companies mainly export to the European and American markets said, “On the whole, the number of orders for Christmas this year is basically the same as last year. The difference is that due to the increase in the technological content of the products, the orders The profits of the company have also increased.”    Liang Zhongming, vice chairman of the China Toy Association and managing director of Dongguan Longchang Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 'Longchang Digital'), analyzed that the Christmas toys exported this year have their own brands. The share of self-developed toy products has increased, and the technological content and intelligent level of the products have gradually increased. Increased profits from orders for intelligent products. Dongguan Hadai Toys Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Hadai Toys”) in Liaobu Town will deliver Christmas toys and gifts of its own brand. Ocean travel arrived on the west coast of the United States, and its products were put on the shelves through various distribution channels about a month ago.  Hadai Toys was established in 1999. It is a medium and large toy enterprise integrating design, development, production and sales. Its independent toy brand 'Hadai' has gained a high market reputation. The director of the company, Xiao Senlin, told reporters that the European and American economies have a great impact on exports. Although the economy has picked up at present, its effect on the increase in orders is not very obvious, so the entire toy export appears to be tepid.   Even if there is no significant increase in orders, Hadai Toys has found a new profit 'blue ocean' from it. According to Xiao Senlin, “In the past, exports were mainly traditional holiday gifts such as stuffed toys with lower profits, but now companies are actively increasing Ru0026D investment and deploying more intelligent and value-added toys to increase profits. The effect is also It's more obvious.' Liang Zhongming also told reporters that Longchang Digital's Christmas order exports this year were basically flat, with a slight increase, and there were more robots and intelligent products. 'Because many of these products are still in the OEM-oriented stage, high-tech products like this have not yet been homogenized, so their profits are not bad.' Toys have made great efforts in product development and design. According to reports, Hadai Toys specially introduced designers with foreign work experience to develop products in a targeted manner according to the preferences of foreign consumers. At the same time, in response to the transition from “more samples and more products” to “more samples and less products” now, it started to automate the production line a few years ago. Xiao Senlin said, “Currently there are twenty to thirty people in the design team, and the investment in this area is also very large. However, it is still in the process of running-in. It will pay more attention to the technological content and functionality of the product. The pressure brought by the rise is not small, but in the long run it is a way worth persisting.”    For Longchang Digital, it uses its own Ru0026D advantages to reduce the cost of core chips to compensate for other cost increases. According to Liang Zhongming, Longchang Digital’s smart products are all undergoing “core replacement”, integrating industry resources, independent development and combining with other IC suppliers to reduce the price of chips. In addition, Longchang Digital also leverages its own advantages in robot development, cooperating with autonomously developed robot systems and automation companies, and outsourcing products with large numbers and manpower requirements, which also reduces its labor force to a certain extent. And other aspects of the cost.  According to statistics, under the economic recovery in Europe and America and the overall favorable environment, Dongguan's exports in the first three quarters increased significantly, and the export of toys grew rapidly. Liang Zhongming believes that the gradual recovery of the European and American economies will have a very obvious effect on toy exports. In addition, from the current point of view, oil prices continue to fall, which will reduce the export cost of toys.
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