The bronze statue of a hippo small stolen nearly 2 meters long weighed 680 kilograms

by:Ennas      2020-06-02
Core tip: Kent, a bronze hippo figurine stolen. The thief behavior puzzling, because small statue weighs 680 kilograms, neither easy theft is difficult to sell. CNN ( C Kent, a bronze hippo figurine stolen. The thief behavior puzzling, because small statue weighs 680 kilograms, neither easy theft is difficult to sell. CNN ( CNN) 13 quoted Kent police statement coverage, local town tunbridge Wells, a company that makes the garden ornaments 9 stolen thieves stole on company's bronze statue of a small hippo in the garden. The police think that whoever stole the bronze statue of a hippo small, must have to cost a lot of energy. This bronze statue of a hippo small nearly 2 meters long and weighs 680 kg, had been carried by five people in the outdoor garden. Local police officer Nick Lin said hamm, perpetrators must have at least one large vehicles, such as flat-panel truck and carried away the figurines can, but also need other 'mechanical means' to lift it. Report any suspicious signs. '( According to the Xinhua News Agency) A read the full text editor: Yang Huizhen
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