The bird-like You Pacific ( The western zhou dynasty) _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2020-06-19
Core tip: the western zhou dynasty into Lao wang bird-like You Pacific 23. Four, abdominal diameter tourism. 7 cm preach 濬 county, henan unearthed the Japanese crane art collection dignified and elegant, with higher levels of small sculpture. Overall for Leon western zhou dynasty into Lao wang bird-like You Pacific 23. Four, abdominal diameter tourism. 7 cm preach 濬 county, henan unearthed the Japanese crane art collection dignified and elegant, with higher levels of small sculpture. Overall as head of the bird-like stand, round eyes, pointed beak, wide tail hanging, head has a pair of hair Angle, palatal laying a caruncle, drum abdomen, claw sinewy, act the role of feather grain, form is very vivid. Open have long narrow mouth bird at the back of the head, with cover, ear connected girder with a loop on both sides of the neck. Inside the cover and each cast [in the throat Pacific cast] Three characters. You, the ancient wine. The ministers, letters patent ':' to the 纒 Chang two You '. And 'poem, jedaiah, jianghan' : 纒 Chang You ', so the You is dedicated to cheng 纒 Chang phenomena. Now, the term 'You its name beginning poets, in use today. Birds and beasts form You, with the image of the birds and beasts, basically similar to birds and beasts statue. Girder container, generally referred to as birds and beasts You. Common king reward liegeman wen-zhong jin 'Chang You', visible You is dedicated to the sheng 纒 Chang. 纒 Chang is put spices ( The turmeric herb) The wine. You often and unearthed statue of combination. Late shang dynasty of the birds and beasts You, do manual work is delicate, perfect decorative pattern, richly overelaborate, give a person with heavy atmosphere in majesty. And early western zhou dynasty, rare birds and animals You basic shape, such as the late shang dynasty, but the line is clear and pure white, whole spirit has no shang dynasty that ferocious terrible feeling, much more moderate. ( JH:页面) Carving, in ancient China, off a few pure for art work, especially all kinds of animals in nature as the theme of works, are often has a special meaning. In the eyes of restore, they just some specific animals, and is accompanied by a divine thing, people poured on them because of worship and admiration of love. It is the natural language of the social religious feelings at that time. Early western zhou dynasty bronze - — — Pacific bird You for handed down. Lao implements 23. 5 cm, long crown bird type, the overall small sculptures of birds, birds like chicken, especially long mouth pecked a beak nose. Two long at your back, on both sides of the gills meleagris gallopavo, peck on open to note the wine. It seemed to visualize the bird's legs, thick and big like talons. Two jaw just from device under bending forward to, became the pillar landing, the bird's tail flat half bent downward, the claw and tail design become the backbone of implements animal is mentioned only in fairy world and see nature of the beast they or be exaggerated, or pattern, can be summarized as abstract animal. Thus make the whole device more sedate elegance, of primitive simplicity and easy, added ornamental effect. The bird cap with cover in the back. You on both ends of the neck of the girder of ring joint, ring decorated with scales. Casting with inscriptions on three characters 'Pacific cast,' with large square is exactly the same. Week, called the male is great. Featuring shang completely, to resist invasion by jonqdia south seal called yu yan, founding in northern hebei province. Ditch coloured glaze river in Beijing and liaoning province LingYuan horse factory now have with 'YanHou unearthed bronze inscriptions,' but no 'Pacific' bronze inscriptions. This You is represented the bronze, but without unearthed at the site, so it can only be speculated that it may be called male family relations. Imitation of birds and animals image as birth, is a kind of special magic beautiful bronze ware, design is unique, making poor extremely beautiful, elaborate, intriguing. All strange shape, very vivid, imaginative, the high-quality goods of the zhou dynasty bronze. Now collection in Japan crane gallery.
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