The avant-garde art group exhibitions held in Shanghai next month

by:Ennas      2020-06-16
Core tip: jan 05 - business club by cultural and education section of the British consulate general, Shanghai foreign cultural exchange association in the art exhibition of a large group of 'future general mobilization', on January 28th jan 05 - in business club by cultural and education section of the British consulate general, Shanghai foreign cultural exchange association in the art exhibition of a large group of 'future general mobilization', on January 28th at the red fang art district Shanghai huaihai road held the livelihood of the people's museum of modern art and extension will cross the lunar New Year holiday. It is reported, this is the first two years in guangdong museum of 'aftershock' after a large group exhibitions. , by contrast, the exhibition's squad and making a more luxury: first of all, the artist squad even more powerful, in addition to the MEDALS & # 8226; Hurst's YBA the will, there are other new representative artists, 39, has eleven Turner prize winner and 22 won the Turner prize nominees, from far and near covered the span of nearly 30 years of British contemporary art history the most representative of the artist. Secondly, exhibits a huge number, a total of 90 pieces of paintings, figurines, paper, photography, installation and video works will be exhibited. All exhibits of art collection from the British council. And the collection began in 1946, now has become one of the UK's largest public collection. In the exhibition, MEDALS & # 8226; Hurst, as a leader of a generation of YBA will bring a series of landmark works; And gerrard m & # 8226; Deller with Alan & # 8226; Mr Strauss-kahn creation of folk archives in 1999, is an artist's praise of the subjectivity; 'Gilbert and George' duo is dressed up for formal suit to deduce the most fashionable street in the London region east; 'Depression' is one of the most outstanding paintings they created in the 1980 s. Douglas & # 8226; Gordon's video device 10 ms will arouse the audience objective, psychedelic gaze; Steve & # 8226; McQueen's film 'prey' once in the artist's 1999 Turner prize exhibition; Matt & # 8226; Frank as a new generation of young British artist brings the Fooooom! ! As part of a series of figurines; Brought by the 2006 Turner prize winner Mark Titchener work need your participation in the future be curators referred to as the theme of the exhibition ─ ─ 'toy story' in the future. The 90 works embodies the curators choose this theme profound heart: the development of British contemporary art, in addition to the well-known 'young British artist' movement, also have the new exploration since the millennium. In addition to the MEDALS & # 8226; Hirst has more people. It is worth noting that: 'the future general mobilization' of the opening in Shanghai, when the new Turner prize winner. YBA movement since the 1990 s began, the British contemporary art achievement is shocked the world, the past is classified as obscure concept art, not only won the gallery and commercial success, also gradually into the broader cultural field, become a fashionable topic. Because the British contemporary art in the important position in the world, with its growth and the rise of the Tate modern, Turner prize, 'art review magazine, Frieze art fair, etc. , has become the vane of contemporary art in the world. In the art review the latest list of top 2009 world power of contemporary art, the British won 16% of the seats, the second largest in the world, only after the United States.
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