The 10th China Toys and Baby Products Industry Conference is about to kick off, artificial intelligence topics are expected

by:Ennas      2021-11-14

This year is the first year to implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It is the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up. In March of Yangchun, the government work report of the two sessions once again focused on artificial intelligence. The report pointed out that emerging industrial clusters should be bigger and stronger, and big data development should be implemented. Action to strengthen the Ru0026D and application of a new generation of artificial intelligence. Smart industry and smart life have become a ray of light this spring attracts people's attention. The spokesperson of the toy and baby products industry-China Toys and Baby Products Association has been paying attention to artificial intelligence, promoting industry enterprises to promote the overall improvement of quality and efficiency through technological innovation. On March 30-31, in Taihu Lake, Suzhou, the Association will grandly launch the 10th China Toys and Baby Products Industry Conference (referred to as the 10th Industry Conference), focusing on global trends, leading China's smart manufacturing and China's layout. In July last year, the State Council’s 'New Generation Artificial Intelligence Strategic Plan' pointed out that by 2020, China’s artificial intelligence technology will be synchronized with the world’s advanced level; by 2030, China will become the world’s major artificial intelligence innovation center, and the scale of the core artificial intelligence industry will exceed 1 Trillion yuan, driving the scale of related industries to more than 10 trillion yuan. Standing on the cusp of a trillion-dollar industry, manufacturing companies in the field of adapting to local conditions and leveraging artificial intelligence will have the opportunity to achieve corner overtaking and successfully achieve transformation and upgrading. The annual industry conference will design cutting-edge topics for the development direction of the manufacturing industry, match targeted content, and lead the direction of the toy and baby products manufacturing industry. This year, facing the trillions of artificial intelligence, it is aimed at how domestic and overseas enterprises and artificial intelligence are effective In order to meet the needs of integration, the China Intelligent Manufacturing Forum is specially set up to discuss the deep integration of the industry and cross-field enterprises and artificial intelligence, relying on the precise reengineering of intelligent technology, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of enterprises, and build core competitiveness. HKUST iFlytek is the leader of China's intelligent speech and artificial intelligence industry. It has internationally leading achievements in many technologies such as speech synthesis, speech recognition, spoken language evaluation, and natural language processing. This year's 10th Industry Conference China Intelligent Manufacturing Forum invited Liu Qingsheng, chairman of iFLYTEK Taoyun and vice president of iFLYTEK, will systematically sort out the practical road of cooperation between iFLYTEK’s intelligent technology and baby care products in recent years, specifically interpret the successful cases of artificial intelligence in the toy industry, and discuss toys together The new breakthrough direction of the integration of the baby products industry and artificial intelligence. At the same time, the China Intelligent Manufacturing Forum also invited Ying Fangtian, the vice chairman and secretary-general of the China Industrial Design Association, to share the innovative ideas of product design in the era of artificial intelligence. Mr. Ying Fangtian has been engaged in research in the fields of industrial design, product integration and innovation design for a long time. At the forum, he will combine scientific and technological design to enhance the research and practice of traditional industries, focus on the organic combination of artificial intelligence technology and product design, and create value for users through design innovation. Discussions on other topics have opened up new ideas for Chinese toy and baby products companies to cut into the field of artificial intelligence from the beginning of product design. In September 2015, the State Council issued the 'Outline of Action for Promoting the Development of Big DataHowever, in the face of big data, more traditional toy and baby products manufacturing companies are still half-knowledgeable, and they are even more at a loss as to how to quickly graft big data. To this end, this year’s 10th Industry Conference specially invited authoritative experts in the field of big data to explain in simple terms the magic weapon to use big data to enhance the core competitiveness of traditional manufacturing, and to help companies use big data to better predict product demand and adjust production capacity. The data calculates the most reasonable production plan. At the same time, in the face of the current status of flat channels, channel sinking, channel integration, and the impact of e-commerce and micro-business, the 10th Industry Conference also launched the China layout as a parallel forum, with the theme of 'Channel Reform in the New Retail Era'. Senior executives such as Kidswant, Suning Yunshang, Lawson China and JD Maternal and Child will be invited to share their successful experiences in exploring and practicing in user experience scenarios, parent-child scenarios, IP scenarios and other fields. The industry conference not only has exciting theme forums, but also set up a theme ecosystem that can expand contacts and communicate freely. The tenth industry conference this year still set up a channel ecosystem, a design ecosystem, and an authorized ecosystem. The three ecological exchange circles cover various fields. The guests of the participating companies can not only meet with the G50 leaders and outstanding Chinese toy and baby products industry Channel dealers, manufacturers, brand owners and authorized IP parties can negotiate and cooperate easily and happily. They can also discuss toy and baby product design trends with industrial design colleges and design companies, and take the pulse of global product design development trends. The China Toys and Baby Products Industry Conference has high specifications, strong lineup, cutting-edge topics, novel ideas, and strong communication. It has been successfully held for nine times and has developed into the most authoritative, professional and valuable brand event in China! The industry conference is supported and participated by the SASAC, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, and the State Certification and Accreditation Administration, the China National Light Industry Council and relevant national industry associations, and local governments and associations in various production areas. The number of guests at the 10th Industry Conference this year is nearly 1,000, covering senior leaders of brands, manufacturers, distributors, and design agencies in the baby, toys, preschool education and licensing industries from all over the world. If your company also wants to use artificial intelligence to change the manufacturing process, and also want to leverage data technology to rebuild the competitiveness of the enterprise, please contact the China Toys and Baby Products Association to register for participation. Tel: 010-66038881 to 244/259; Email: sunny_sheng@
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