Taiyuan international figurines biennale 2015 held in Beijing review

by:Ennas      2021-10-05
Core tip: report from our correspondent ( Reporter XinHua) 'Small statues 2015 taiyuan international biennale' review and seminars, on October 23, in the central academy of fine arts at small statue. The biennial ZhanZhu titled 'new mode', is due to report from our correspondent (12 Reporter XinHua) 'Small statues 2015 taiyuan international biennale' review and seminars, on October 23, in the central academy of fine arts at small statue. The biennial ZhanZhu titled 'new', will be held on December 12 in taiyuan gallery. The biennale by Chinese artists association, the central academy of fine arts, taiyuan city people's government hosted, small statues writer of Chinese artists association, curator of writer, the much-anticipated taiyuan city. The exhibition is divided into six sections: the new realm, show has considerable influence and appeal of academic works; Do new things, specially invited famous statuette home works; The new interface, the diversification of mainly young and middle-aged figurines home plate; Experimental, exploratory, pluralistic, representative of the new view, crossover work; New ceramics, ceramic medium plate; New wind, reflect in shanxi local characteristics. Curators are introduced each section of the works collection, and from the academic content, exhibition academic positioning, etc. , on the collected works of the intern and selection. Total curator professor Lv Pinchang believes that this year's works have a lot of bright spots, rich work face, both senior figurines home works, there are young and middle-aged artists of the new work, development and contemporary figurines. Professor yun-gang Chen pointed out that taiyuan gallery space is very diverse, strewn at random discretion, curator team in view of the specialty of the space to determine six section, a cross-cutting, cross, transitional. Taiyuan city culture bureau deputy director Cao Yongming said, small statues of taiyuan international biennale is the focus of this year the city government work, the exhibition can enrich people's cultural life, strive to make the brand exhibition.
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