'T youdao' - — Xn d · zero breakthrough observation plan 2009 statuettes show

by:Ennas      2020-06-16
Core tip: 't youdao' - — Xn d · zero breakthrough observation plan 2009 statuettes exhibition curator: wu when the male Kong Yan theory of art, ladies without gossip will, and no demanding uniformity. 'T' t youdao '- — Xn d · zero breakthrough observation plan 2009 statuettes exhibition curator: wu when the male Kong Yan theory of art, ladies without gossip will, and no demanding uniformity. And 't' is a way, at the beginning of the architect, architect and architect, this mortal must pass through. 'Dao' whether nearly far, meaningless, resistance in, because its all roads lead to Rome, 'career'. At this time, things in winter, warm gathering, collected Taoist scriptures. When the group of poly sinks in jingdong, little intended to, and tender. When this, accumulation and dispersion in the impermanence, achievements in tangible, out of the famous person also; Plastic, plastic material, plastic, for this exhibition, 'the way' yi gentle our, when catching static gas, learn, seek the way of action, on the road! Beijing east village Xn d · 0 breakthrough observation figurines workshop 'youdao' exhibition 98 pieces of works, shows for the audience as a mature artists is how to choose the person, teacher Yang, division of 'tao', and rendered in the form and connotation of his work. The artists are: Li Xiangqun, jiang, proposition, bicycles, XiaoLi, Thomas shu, Zhang Yong see, Li Yanrong, xiao long is ( Taiwan) , GanDan ( Taiwan) , JinLe, wu, male, Zhang Yangen, Wu Haoyu, David yun dai, Zou Feng step, WenChaoBo, Sun Qi, money hui, Chen, Zheng Yisheng, Dong Bin, Li Sui, Sun Xiaoye, Chen Jingzhong, swim Zhong Shun, Cai Jianxiao, xiang-rong wang, Guo Dong, Han Yongjiu, Yang guang, Ben ( Spain) Morning, adriaan, sea rees ( The Netherlands) And so on. 'Youdao' exhibition is a chicken by the United States fund operation, east village creative base, treasure dian AngelaLi gallery to start art center and Hong Kong in 2009, Xn d figurines, zero breakthrough observation workshop, and held the exhibition of the tao, the journal Chinese figurines for media support. Opening ceremony, famous statuette jian-guo sui, outlook, director of the Beijing ChengDiaoWei in cloud teacher, central beautiful courtyard, deputy director of the institute figurines Duan Haikang and deputy editor of the journal of Chinese figurines rhodium congratulations present, most of the artists, and the U. S. embassy friends and a number of international friends were there to congratulate, east village local relevant government department leaders also attended the opening ceremony, the scene is permeated with a warm atmosphere.
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