Space Baby appeared at CPE China Early Childhood Education Exhibition

by:Ennas      2021-12-23

According to a survey conducted by the Medical Department of Peking University, the proportion of children with sensory integration disorders in my country is as high as 30%. These children need scientific sensory integration training to achieve the purpose of enhancing learning ability and improving learning efficiency. The good news is that in 2016, the Ministry of Education issued a document requesting the establishment of special education resource classrooms in ordinary schools (kindergartens, ordinary primary and secondary schools, and secondary vocational schools). In the reference catalog of resource classrooms, the sensory integration training system has become an essential item. one. CPE China Preschool Education Exhibition brings together many sensory integration training system products and companies. As one of the best, 'Space Baby' is specially designed for children aged 0-12. With the help of professional system of sensory integration training courses, it is full of fun, challenging, The interventional curriculum system promotes children's sensory development and personality development, and meets children's inherent ubiquitous and ever-changing sensory needs. CPE China Early Childhood Education Exhibition Exhibitor Space Baby At this year's CPE China Preschool Education Exhibition site, the Space Baby Sensory Integration classroom was unveiled with the latest sensory integration training courses, including basic elements such as space thinking, space battles, rainbow solitaire and space walks. Among them, the Space Silk Road, a combination of walking on single-plank bridges with a variety of foot touches, can be combined into a variety of walking loop games in the classroom; Rainbow Solitaire, consisting of round slopes, cylinders, large and small circles, large and small semi-circles, fun barrels, etc. It is composed of three-shaped rollers. The material is soft and safe, and the gameplay is rich. It can be combined into rolling, drilling and climbing light games; space walks, let children walk in each space compartment, exercise the children's coordination of limbs and sensory coordination, and explore children Athletic potential. The whole teaching department is composed of basic senses, balance synthesis, tactile synthesis, suspension combination, climbing combination and special combination. With the help of high-efficiency and high-energy combination of diversified teaching aids, children are comprehensively trained and intervened. This set of teaching system helps kindergartens to establish an optimized teaching mode of “combination of dynamic and static” in the existing educational concepts, tap the potential of children’s brains, activate the basic functions of the seven sense organs in children’s development and development, and is more conducive to children’s sense of help. Unified training comprehensively improves social skills, oral expression skills and other generally weak aspects. At the same time, it promotes classroom innovation in the classroom teaching system, and builds exclusive channels and effective hands for preschool teachers to observe and evaluate children in a scientific and efficient manner. Space Baby has participated in the 2020 CPE China Preschool Education Exhibition, and has entered the China Toys and Baby Products Association '365 Cloud Exhibition. The '365 Cloud Exhibition' platform has achieved remarkable results, with 2.9 million views accurate E docking with the China Game Association '365 Cloud Exhibition' platform has achieved remarkable results. At present, 2500+ exhibitors have settled in, including 20,000+ toys and baby products, 1800+IP At the same time, it also gathered 150,000+ buyers of toy, baby and preschool education supplies, retail chain agencies, educational institutions, commercial real estate, etc., with more than 2,900,000 page views. One-to-one precise cloud service guides all companies in the industry. E docking at any time during the year to help exhibitors and visits with better results! About CPE China Preschool Education Exhibition As a high-quality business platform for the international kindergarten education industry, CPE China Preschool Education Exhibition is positioned as 'specialization, branding and internationalizationThe best platform for product display docking and cutting-edge theory collision in the whole industry chain in the field of preschool education. The exhibition scale is expected to reach 37,000 square meters in 2020, bringing together more than 400 exhibitors from more than 30 countries and regions around the world, 1,000+ well-known brands, 55,000+ professional visitors, covering integrators, purchasers, park managers, real estate developers, and education complexes Wait. The 2020 CLE China Authorized Exhibition, CKE China Baby and Child Exhibition, CTE China Toy Fair, and CPE China Preschool Education Exhibition will be on the same stage at the Shanghai New International Expo Center on October 21-23, 2020. The old time, the old place, and the more effective it is good. At present, the exhibition application and visit registration system is fully open. Baidu searches for CPE China Preschool Education Exhibition, log in to the official website (, click on the company to book booths or buyers to register and purchase to participate.
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