****Space Animation: On Characteristic American Animation Culture

by:Ennas      2022-01-04
Summary: According to the analysis of experts in space animation, one of the major characteristics of American animation is its advanced technology. Whether it is special effects or sound effects, it is American faraway.  ****Analysis of space animation experts, one of the major characteristics of American animation is its advanced technology. Whether it is special effects or sound effects, it is the United States. Like watching American blockbusters in theaters, American animation will undoubtedly bring a visual enjoyment. At the same time, integrating emerging 3D technology into animation will undoubtedly be another breakthrough. However, the visual feast is accompanied by direct financial investment, following the consistent large-scale production system of Hollywood. The strong commercial atmosphere in American animation is the same as in other aspects of the United States.     In terms of plot, American anime stories tend to be simplified. They use absolute power to save the world or the process of powerful power from confusion to acceptance by society, and other topics, and these abilities that surpass ordinary people have always been the focus of animation. After all, the United States mostly uses cinema animation as its important form, and box office revenue as a major measure. American animation stories mostly end in happy endings, with few tragedies and cater to the psychological needs of the audience. And the performance of the story is humorous and lively, which is hilarious. The themes are mostly environment, heroes, love, etc., but they don't make people feel procrastinated and repetitive, and they are also good at breaking through. For example, in 'Super VillainSo after the **, it can also deeply cause thinking. The United States has worked hard on the distinctive appearance of the characters, and is also good at shaping animation stars. From the dinosaur Gertie in 1914 to the Pony King Spielt and Shrek in 2002, the United States has launched the world's animation art treasure house. There are countless animated stars with various shapes and various distinctive personalities that are familiar and loved by people all over the world. This is difficult for any country to match. American animation occupies an important position in the history of world animation. It has always led the trend and development direction of world animation.
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