
Sotheby's held 'beyond the limit' large statuettes show

by:Ennas      2020-06-12
Core tip: the Angel of the North ( 生活, 大小设计草图) 1997 Devon wood, Antony Gormley, voss manor is hosting a large Angel called 'beyond the limit' of the North, 生活, 大小设计草图) 1997 Devon wood, Antony Gormley, voss manor is hosting a large statuettes show called 'beyond the limit', the organizers sotheby's is called 'so far the largest and most diverse' contemporary statuettes show. The exhibition until November 1. Sotheby's held similar figurines from four consecutive years, show large works in outdoor space provides a good platform. This important exhibits Henry Moore and Aristade Millol bronze figurines, and Antony Gormley, Marc Quinn, Subodh Gupta and Fernando Botero artists such as contemporary art. All the exhibits are open to the buyer. 三块倾斜的图
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