Small statue park three exhibition stage

by:Ennas      2021-09-16
Core tip: our reporter zhao XiaoHong intern yoga 26, changchun world small statue park added fine art collection, 'fruitful achievements - — Cao Chunsheng solo exhibition 60 years ', 'the first' spring cup our reporter zhao XiaoHong intern yoga 26, changchun world small statue park added fine art collection, 'fruitful achievements - — Cao Chunsheng solo exhibition 60 years ', 'the first' spring cup 'China youth figurines home invitational exhibition', 'contemporary Chinese watercolor painting masters invitational exhibition' three exhibition on display at the same time, the deadline for a month, until October 26. This exhibition exhibits Cao Chunsheng Sir's 60 years created excellent figurine works more than 60 pieces; The national 99 excellent young figurines, created the 99 pieces of works; And contemporary China's most powerful 19 watercolor masters 76 works. Vice director of changchun figurines Liu Tianfu said: 'these three exhibition is our this year planning an important cultural and artistic activities. The three exhibitions, brought the city culture atmosphere and breath, can profoundly to visit learning during the National Day. We also want to through this show, for changchun art museum collection of works. 'Standing committee of the municipal party committee, minister of the propaganda department de-jin wu said at the opening ceremony, the old leadership is indispensable to the prosperity and development of changchun figurines culture attention to guide and leave the old artists' lead and drive, and the young artist's hard work. He wants to use such display activities, can let the changchun city in the small statues, painting and calligraphy art exhibition has new breakthrough: '( Hope these display) Truly in changchun based on roots, become attract young artists pour sweat, reveals the importance of creative energy platform; Attracting national artists learn from each other, the importance of communication platform, leave more works of art in changchun, leave the creation of more touching stories in changchun, in order to promote changchun be figurines, frontier in the field of painting, make important contributions to the modern cultural city northeast Asia. 'Three shows the opening day of the event, part from changchun art school students visited these works of art. Students high teng told reporters that they rarely have the opportunity to contact the original artists, and this can close to appreciate the works of the masters, benefit: 'in the school is to see some slides, see these works, today is really an eye-opener. 'Municipal committee, deputy mayor Zhang Jingying to attend the opening ceremony. Three major exhibition introduction A, fruitful achievements - — Mr Cao Chunsheng solo exhibition Cao Chunsheng 60 years is China's famous little figurines statues art master and city business enabler, now he is honorary President of Chinese society for figurines, China art research institute China figurine institute distinguished figurines home and win the title of national outstanding contributions artist awarded by the State Council. At the beginning of the zhuhai city figurines construction, Mr Cao Chunsheng for zhuhai city made outstanding contributions to the development of small statue and put forward the developing direction of changchun city figurine precious opinion. The exhibition exhibits Cao Chunsheng Sir's 60 years created excellent figurine works more than 60. B, the first 'spring cup' China youth figurines home invitational exhibition with 'spring' as the theme, held the first 'spring cup' China youth figurines invitational exhibition, called youth figurines home show art elegant demeanour in changchun. The invitational exhibition from 99 outstanding young China figurine, created 99 works on display in the long. C, the contemporary Chinese watercolor painting masters invitational exhibition the exhibition were invited to contemporary China's most powerful 19 watercolor masters 76 works, including the famous watercolour artist, watercolor painting art committee of Chinese artists association, deputy director of Mr. 23. The invitational exhibition will show Chinese watercolor painters eulogizing life and praise the natural charming elegant demeanour. Related news experts for zhuhai city figurines future pulse our reporter zhao XiaoHong intern yoga changchun figurines culture construction and development in the future, at present the problems how to solve? 26, from the national construction and small sculpture art masters around these topics, pulse, guidance for changchun city figurines future development. These experts have the original song, a deputy minister of construction, China figurine courtyard dean wu, China's famous master figurines Ye Yushan, Cao Chunsheng etc. , they have been very attention, care figurines changchun city construction development. Changchun to fellow experts put forward three questions, respectively is: changchun figurines future construction development, small statue park landscape wall how to perfect, the changchun world small statue park big photo album of cultural and artistic value and guiding significance of the construction of the figurines of city. Surrounding the topic, dean of China figurine wu spoke first, he said: 'changchun world small statue park is a special park, the most important thing is, how to maintain long-term friendly relations of cooperation and artists? Let the good work they would like to stay here, for his work to create a good space, this is an environmental problem. I suggest to establish a small statue of changchun art research institute. 'Other experts have also for changchun figurines cultural development of zhenhai. Vice director of China building, China city press, said President Zhou Chang hope that through this form of communication, help changchun eye-opening, promoting development, at the same time, also can bring more valuable experience to all parts of the country, promote national city figurine art level of ascension. The original title [ Small statue park three exhibition stage]
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