
should you craft condensed resin

by:Ennas      2023-07-06

Should You Craft Condensed Resin?

If you're a regular player of Genshin Impact, you've probably come across condensed resin at some point. But what exactly is condensed resin, and should you bother crafting it?

What is Condensed Resin?

Condensed resin is an item that can be crafted at an alchemy bench using crystal cores and original resin. When used, it effectively doubles the rewards from a Ley Line Blossom or Domain of Forgery, allowing you to get two sets of rewards for the cost of one original resin.

Why Craft Condensed Resin?

There are a few reasons why you might want to consider crafting condensed resin:

1. Time efficiency

Using condensed resin is more time-efficient than running the same domain or ley line blossom twice. Instead of spending twice as long completing the activity, you can use condensed resin and get the same rewards in half the time.

2. Resin efficiency

Original resin is a finite resource in Genshin Impact, and it can be frustrating to run out when you're trying to farm for elevation materials or artifacts. Using condensed resin effectively means you're able to get double the rewards for the same amount of original resin, which can be a big help when you're running low.


Sometimes you just don't have the time or energy to run the same domain or ley line blossom twice. Using condensed resin allows you to get the same rewards without having to grind through the same activity multiple times.

How to Craft Condensed Resin

To craft condensed resin, you'll need to have the following materials:

-Crystal core x1

-Original resin x40

Crystal cores can be obtained by defeating certain enemies in Teyvat, such as Geovishaps, Primo Geovishaps, and Geo Hypostases. Original resin regenerates over time, with a maximum of 120 resin that can be stored at any given time.

To craft condensed resin:

1. Go to any alchemy bench

2. Select the crafting menu

3. Choose the condensed resin recipe

4. Add one crystal core and 40 original resin to the alchemy bench

5. Craft the condensed resin

Once crafted, condensed resin is stored in your inventory and can be used at any time.

Is Condensed Resin Worth Crafting?

Whether or not you should craft condensed resin depends on your personal playstyle and goals in Genshin Impact. However, here are a few things to keep in mind when making your decision:

1. Impact on resin supply

While using condensed resin can be more resin-efficient, it's important to consider the impact it will have on your resin supply as a whole. If you're constantly using condensed resin to get double rewards, you'll use up your original resin more Quickly and may run out faster than if you were using original resin alone.

2. Time constraints

If you have limited time to play Genshin Impact, condensed resin can be a great choice. It allows you to get the same rewards in less time, freeing up more time for other activities.

3. Farming needs

If you're actively farming for elevation materials or artifacts, using condensed resin can be a good idea. It allows you to get more rewards in less time, increasing your chances of getting the materials you need.

4. Adventure Rank

Your adventure rank can also affect whether or not it's worth crafting condensed resin. At lower ranks, you may not have as many domains or ley line blossoms available to you, making condensed resin less useful. However, at higher ranks, you m ay find yourself With an abundance of original resin and a need for more ascension materials, making condensed resin a valuable resource.

In conclusion, whether or not you should craft condensed resin ultimately depends on your own individual needs and preferences. However, with its time efficiency, resin efficiency, and convenience, it's worth considering as a way to get more out of your Genshin Impact gameplay.

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