Shou stone cultural roots _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2020-06-20
Core tip: plum sector chenta ( Modern) Bring about lohan Yang Yuxuan ( In the qing dynasty) Painting of flowers and thin meaning Lin qing qing ( The late qing and early republic) Two things, two years ago to the current shoushan stone hot sector has played a lot of plum blossom chenta ( Modern) Bring about lohan Yang Yuxuan ( In the qing dynasty) Painting of flowers and thin meaning Lin qing qing ( The late qing and early republic) Two things, two years ago to the current shoushan stone heat played a big role. On June 10, 2006, China's first 'cultural heritage day', the State Council announced the first batch of national intangible cultural heritages, shou stone carvings are included. Eight days later, 10 sets of 'discovery' CCTV every night prime-time broadcast consecutive six episodes TV documentary 'China shoushan stone', it is also the first to non-commercial of shoushan stone taken from the Angle of feature films. From then on, in countless people's mind, shoushan stone from a vocabulary into the image of a lively and full of mystery. Shou stone was listed in the 'intangible' list, is deserved. For non-material culture, people tend to focus on the artist KouChuanXinShou skill inheritance between teacher and pupil. For shou stone, however, such a special cultural phenomenon, the carving is not all, of its only its positioning as a kind of folk art is too narrow-minded. In fact, shou stone is the carrier of a complex, from it can reflect the Chinese culture and history of many information, such as to the discovery of natural beauty, in the process the involvement of the evolution process of Chinese people and guide, developed by to admire the stone with aesthetic games and the resulting high subtle tasting taste and so on. More importantly, shoushan stone as a kind of printed materials, and connection between the carving and painting and calligraphy art are inseparable. So, no matter from the Angle of the collection, or from the perspective of the protection and development of traditional art, to cultural shou stone back to its roots, is very meaningful. Characterized by a quality found in chanting of shoushan stone of poems emerge in endlessly, qing zha shenxin 'cursed-by-god treasures fujian', is probably one of the most quoted sentence. Mr Huang said in an introduction to ancient India: 'invented between Yu Yuanming shoushan stone. Initial monks see its have five colours, glittering and translucent jade stone, cut for muny strings, traveling, somebody with its can Qin can engrave, for the system. 'These so-called' somebody ', not someone else, but a man of letters and artists group. They and shou, qingtian 'flower milk stone' of 'a glimpse,' is a significant historical chance, seal cutting art back to life, to enter the 'Stone Age', spectacular itsdifferent genre of Ming and qing dynasty and the resulting. Therefore, the essence of shoushan stone, is a kind of printed material. Shou began the stonework of the button, the nature of it, is a kind of service in the literati, appreciate by literati and scholars involved in the art of 'civilian'. Shoushan stone in addition to soft and easy to attack and psychic moist, changeable color and texture, but also its appeal. Su shi in the 'book a Li Duan uncle said,' no gall stone have dizzy, rhinoceros, to take yan in the people, all of the disease '. 'The disease', however, can 'take yan in the people', let 'beauty' for the appreciation, the source of beauty is not in the 'content', but in the 'people', is the aesthetic eyes. Shoushan stone was the real discoverers literati, this sentence should be tenable. For tying the shoushan stone, witty, natural beauty, Mr Stone painter-calligrapher Pan Zhulan once commented, 'Ruth stunner, not a pen and ink can exert its name. ”
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