Shenzhen Early Childhood Education Exhibition will land in CEE Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center on November 5-7 to help the South China Early Childhood Education Industry

by:Ennas      2021-11-25

A few days ago, Shenzhen Deputy Mayor Wang Lixin stated at the city’s preschool education work conference that 150 new office kindergartens will be added during the year, and districts will provide each child with a seat for the current core tasks and complete them without compromise. The construction task is to solve the problem of degree supply. According to reports, as of September last year, among the 1683 kindergartens in Shenzhen, there were only 62 public kindergartens, accounting for only 3.7% of the public kindergartens, ranking last in Guangdong Province, and 50% in Beijing, 70% in Shanghai, and 30% in Guangzhou. The gap is huge. In this context, CEE2018 Shenzhen Preschool Education Exhibition will be held in Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center from November 5th to 7th, 2018. The 2018 Shenzhen Preschool Education Exhibition will set up a special exhibition area around seven industry themes of educational toys, preschool supplies, children's books, kindergarten supporting facilities, early education franchise, kindergarten design and decoration, and kindergarten education information. The exhibition attracts many well-known brands to settle in, and 2018 The Shenzhen Preschool Education Exhibition will host a preschool education event-2018 Asian Principals Conference. The 2018 Asian Principals Conference takes the 'three new' roads (new environment, new concept, and new journey) of preschool education as the theme of this year. It will invite experts from the preschool education industry at home and abroad, kindergarten principals, educational institutions, preschool education enterprises and other majors. Industry professionals participate. For two days, the conference will conduct on-site keynote speeches and roundtable conferences on preschool education policies, expansion of preschool education, preschool education directions, and preschool education reforms. The purpose of this Asian Principal Conference is to provide industry insiders with an in-depth interpretation of the trends and policies of the preschool education industry, promote the development of the preschool education industry, increase the communication viscosity between the preschool industry enterprises, kindergartens, and educational institutions, and provide learning exchanges for the preschool education industry , Cooperative development platform. Forum theme: 'Three New' roads for preschool education (new environment, new concept, new journey) Activity time: November 5, 2018-November 7, 2018 Venue: Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center Ø Kindergarten Curriculum Management Ø Blueprint planning and aspirations of preschool education people; Ø Balanced approach to preschool education reform; Ø Kindergarten environment creation; Ø Six-A children's education principles; Ø 'New Kindergarten Environmental Planning, Design and Implementation'; Ø In the era of 'artificial intelligenceA great innovation in English teaching-how to make English teaching intelligent in one step Ø High-quality kindergarten team building; Ø The principal's soul station-the self-care and improvement of the soul of the team; Ø The integration of traditional courses and innovative courses in the Internet era; Ø Elementary and middle schools Kindergarten brand building and marketing ideas Ø Brand building and long-term development of the kindergarten, and scientific system construction; Reminder: The title of the specific lecture is subject to the handout. At present, the CEE2018 Shenzhen Preschool Education Exhibition is being actively organized, and you are sincerely invited to participate. Organizing Committee contact information: Contact person: Wan Jun Tel: 021-54890536 Mobile/WeChat: 16621109192 E-mail: Website:
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