
Shaw tripod for carving appreciate _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2021-10-27
Core tip: Shao Weichang, born in January 1945, zhejiang yuyao people, currently he is member of China arts and crafts society, arts and crafts association in guizhou, guizhou province artist association member. In 2008, according to the Shanghai Shao Weichang born in January 1945, zhejiang yuyao people, currently he is member of China arts and crafts society, arts and crafts association in guizhou, guizhou province artist association member. Declaration in 2008 after the Shanghai residence permit is absorbed as the Shanghai arts and crafts association. For more than 20 years, Shao Weichang unswervingly stick to small tripod for creation and exploration, practice the skills of a suit hand-carved figure statue. In the early 1980 s, seal cutting seal Shao Weichang again in bronze base, makes the Chinese seal in the form of a breakthrough in one thousand to just lion, Newark, New York and other traditional graphics, in the painting and calligraphy art original bronze copper print this art. See print will meet the person, we will become one of the features of this tripod and bright spot. Began at the end of 1999, part of the works by Shanghai Shao Weiliang collections, the brother of the prelude to the shaw brothers cooperation from then on, shaw tripod and thus named. Twice in 1994 and 1997, Shao Weichang grand prix awards, won the national sculpture art works are collected by the organizing committee. Roberto baggio in 1989, the former Soviet union President al gore has to accept his present small statue, specially appointed embassy officials later return by gorbachev autograph inscription large color for appreciation and encouragement; In 2002, shaw tripod for Shanghai great world guinness certificate, works in Shanghai big world 'curiosities and wonders and wonders' album; China central television (CCTV), and a number of media reports made in People's Daily overseas edition; Collectors association, Shanghai in 2004 specially for Shao Weichang 'sino-foreign tripod for art exhibition', a hit. In 2005, released at the China art net for Chinese art market index monitoring center of the organization's '2004 China's art market is the most influential calligrapher' comparison, Shao Weichang topped the list. In June the same year, he also won the Chinese art investment market 'listed artists certificate'; In 2008, Shao Weichang for carving a bronze statue of the international Olympic committee (ioc) President Jacques rogge copper seal, and Jacques rogge distinctions autographed photos. Hard work, finally attained grew and grew. At the same time, the Shao Weichang series of statue at the bottom of the seal cutting, also caused the extensive concern of the society from all walks of life. In October 2005, was awarded a prize of 'international Chinese calligraphy art exhibition' calligraphy class bronze; At the end of 2005, won the 'sunset elderly Chinese painting and calligraphy as a high-quality goods exhibition' gold award; In December 2005, 'Chinese soul' series of carving works included in the 'united eagle cup' world peace international painting and calligraphy exhibition in France, Shao Weichang was awarded the title of 'the peace of the world cultural ambassadors'; In April 2006, works into the sponsored by the Hong Kong international auction co. , ltd. and shenyang the art of 'the eighth China contemporary artists painting and calligraphy performance' auction; Between September 2006 and September 2007 become xileng printing society ( Beijing) Co. , LTD. Signed a contract artist, deng xiaoping mini tripod collected by China art gallery, exhibition hall of xileng printing society; In October 2008 works in Shanghai Shanghai sculpture technology exhibition, 'sun' and other works of the world famous contemporary art paintings reproductions expo ceremony ', such as brochures, at the same time by the authority of Chinese calligraphy and painting market yearbook and other reference books. Shaw tripod is its unique artistry, toward the bright prospects of collection of the world.
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