
Several main forms of reliefs and their expression methods

by:Ennas      2022-02-21
Relief is a kind of carving technique and also a form of sculpture. Carve out the image he wants to shape on a flat plate to make it more lifelike from the plane of the original material. Below, Beijing Sculpture Company will introduce you to the relief sculpture. There are several main forms of relief sculptures and their expression methods. 1. Several main forms of relief 1. Ancient grotto sculptures in China can be attributed to shrine sculptures. According to different modeling techniques, they can be divided into realism, decoration and abstraction. ; 2. Thin reliefs are mainly thread, supplemented by surface, combined with line and surface. Deep 2~5 mm. Thin and three-dimensional, densely lined with sparse lining, and refined with a knife; 3. Yin carvings are usually in boxes, cabinets, Engraving on the surface of the bed and cabinet. Instead of drawing, use a knife to replace the pen, and to engrave the negative pattern with a bright knife method; 4. High relief refers to the one that is compressed, small, and undulating, close to a round or even semi-circular sculpture. This kind of relief has a strong contrast between light and dark, and the visual effect is outstanding; 5. The bas-relief has large compression and small undulations. It not only maintains an architectural flatness, but also has a certain sense of volume and undulation; 6. Line engraving It is a combination of painting and sculpture. It is produced by light and shadow. It is replaced by light, and even has some subtle ups and downs, giving people a sense of elegance and subtlety; 7. Hollow carving is the removal of the so-called bottom plate of the relief, thus producing a change Multi-end negative space, and make the contours of negative space and positive space have a mutual conversion rhythm. This technique used to be used on door and window railing furniture, and some can be viewed on both sides. Second, the expression method of relief 1. Relief compression That is, assume that there are three axes for a solid space; X axis, Y axis and Z axis, where X axis is the vertical axis, Y axis is the horizontal axis, and Z axis is the depth axis. When doing relief, keep the X axis and Y axis different Change, and compress the Z axis and compress all of the above on a plane. How to keep the X, Y, and axis unchanged, first carefully prepare the draft, and then paint at a point far away from you Put up a layer of soil, and then paint a three-layered layer of soil on a closer spot. If you are doing almost a round sculpture relief, the same is true, but don't forget to reduce the ratio of the Z axis at any time. 2. Use the illusion method. It is often used in multi-level, more complex compositions, and often uses high, medium, and low relief expressions at the same time. It is more common that the foreground characters use the embossing method, and as the scene goes, it becomes more and more flat, until The background only needs to be drawn up a little bit. The defining signs of the expression method need to be clear here. A. High relief may come from the feeling behind the object. B. The middle relief should be compressed to one-half of the Z axis. C. The bas-relief may generally be compressed to one-tenth. The use of the difference in thickness is to use the human visual illusion to push the object behind to the front when necessary, even on a flat surface. 3. Outer contour The starting position refers to the position of the front and back outline and the vertical height of the background at the junction of the outer contour and the background. It is called the starting position. When observing and learning other people's relief works, pay special attention to how these connections are handled on the side of the relief to observe the artist. How to deal with the small changes, how to make the distant eye just appear from under the eyebrow pencil. This starting technique is floating It is very important in carving. It can distance the subject from the background, so that the relief has a three-dimensional effect and shows multiple levels. The above is an introduction to the main forms of relief and their expression methods. I hope it can help you .
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