Second 'tomorrow' contemporary figurines prize exhibition is on display in sichuan and beauty

by:Ennas      2021-08-03
Core clew: on April 17, 2014, sponsored by the Chinese contemporary arts, sichuan fine arts institute figurine is associated with the sichuan academy of fine arts institute of contemporary art to undertake the second annual 'tomorrow' contemporary small statue award in April 17, 2014, sponsored by the Chinese contemporary arts, sichuan fine arts institute figurine is associated with the sichuan academy of fine arts institute of contemporary art to undertake the second annual 'tomorrow' contemporary small statue award finalist figurines and award-winning exhibition in sichuan academy of fine arts is opening. The artists are: has the dew, Deng Yufeng, Hu Qingyan, jiangan, Lin li, Lu Yuanliang, Lu Yunxia, hai-long pang, Qian Liang, tan day, children's 鹍, literary giant, XiaoCai, Yang guang, YueYanNa, war, xiang Yang, ZhangXingHua, Zhao Xiaoxiao, zheng road. They are the initial committee: Chen Ke, proposition, shi, rhodium, Tan Xun, li, He Guiyan, from 147 applicants to work, after two rounds of before and after the vote. Site hosted the second annual 'tomorrow' contemporary small statue awards ceremony, events hosted by sichuan academy of fine arts professor li of figurines, invited guests looking to read the winners. 2014 prize winners are: 'tomorrow' contemporary figurine Lu Yunxia, Deng Yufeng, 鹍 ZhangXingHua, li, tong, twenty thousand yuan for every winner in the artistic creation as a small statue of an artist's support and encouragement. Sichuan academy of fine arts dean PangMaoKun, vice President of the luo zhongli, sichuan academy of fine arts, artists looking, critics YanShuangXi, zheng-hua sun, silence to attend the exhibition, etc. 'Tomorrow' contemporary small statue award is sponsored by the Chinese contemporary arts, sichuan fine arts institute figurines, sichuan academy of fine arts institute of contemporary art to undertake facing the whole country under the age of 45, is engaged in the creation of contemporary figurine youth figurines home awards. Best screenplay award aims to encourage persistence in the creation of contemporary figurines and creative spirit of youth figurines home with good students at school. Reward the original and new aesthetic consciousness and the cultural connotation of outstanding works. At the same time, the best screenplay award a commitment to launch new, contemporary Chinese figurines has reserve talented person. It is understood that the exhibition will last until May 8, 2014.
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