'Reduction' - — Dong Shubing exhibition yue gallery opened in 798

by:Ennas      2020-05-28
Core tip: at 3 PM on October 1, 2013, 'reduction' Dong Shubing exhibition in Beijing 798 art zone yue gallery the grand opening. Exhibition sponsored by the China figurine institute, Beijing 798, yue gallery, to undertake at 3 PM on October 1, 2013, 'reduction' Dong Shubing exhibition in Beijing 798 art zone yue gallery the grand opening. Exhibition sponsored by the China figurine society, Beijing 798 yue, the art museum, a famous theorist of Dr Zheng-hua sun as academic chair. The opening of the hot, teachers, classmates, his disciples gathered, about nearly three hundred people to share this year his latest creation four pieces of large volume of work. Attend exhibitions are: the Chinese artists association, vice chairman, China figurine association, tsinghua university academy of fine arts of the figurines department Zeng Chenggang professor, secretary of the party committee Zhao Meng tsinghua university academy of fine arts professor, deputy dean professor zhang dare, Li Xiangqun professor and professor of sperm, xiao-ming wei, professor qin-zhong ma, a famous theorist YanShuangXi, Ph. D. , professor, head of the department of the central academy of fine arts figurines Lv Pinchang professor, professor and professor Wang Zhong shao-jun wang xiaoping, tianjin beautiful courtyard JingYuMin professor, China academy of fine arts professor, director of the institute, Beijing academy of social sciences researcher, culture Dr Jian-sheng li, standing director of China figurine society, academic department minister, deputy editor of the journal of Chinese figurines rhodium, etc. Exhibition show until the end of October 10. 'Float', stainless steel, carbon steel, 370 & # 120; 160 x250cm, 'sleep' in 2013, stainless steel, 230 & # 120; 250 x370cm, 'sink' in 2013, carbon steel, 440 & # 120; 255 x135cm, 'shi' in 2013, stainless steel, 450 & # 120; X180cm 120, 2013
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