Reasons for Quanzhou Toys to Realize Its Prosperity Against the Market

by:Ennas      2021-12-21

Report from this newspaper (Reporter Lin Kan, Correspondent Wu Mingni, Chen Ziyou) Recently, Quanzhou Inspection and Quarantine Bureau released data showing that from January to May, the bureau inspected and supervised 1,103 batches of exported toys, worth 26,606,400 US dollars, and the value of goods increased by 4.55 year-on-year. %, Quanzhou's toy exports were affected by factors such as severe foreign trade and technical barriers and rising production costs.   According to industry analysts, the recent export of Quanzhou toys has shown two major characteristics: First, it has achieved remarkable results in opening up the international market, especially in emerging markets. According to statistics, in the first five months, Quanzhou's toy products exported to the EU were US$12,154,700, a year-on-year increase of 35.20%; exports to Mexico and the UAE both increased exponentially, and new export markets such as South Korea, Peru, and Indonesia were added. The second is to innovate and upgrade products to become a new bright spot for exports. For example, the intelligent and high-end toys developed by Jinjiang Hengsheng Toys Co., Ltd. with strong playability, high technology content, and interactive functions are welcomed by the international market. 13.88%, ranking top among Quanzhou toy export enterprises.
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