Reasons behind the relocation of Shijiazhuang Toy Wholesale Market

by:Ennas      2021-11-28

The congested and chaotic traffic order and rampant electric tricycles have almost become synonymous with the traditional wholesale market. With the implementation of a new regulation, all of this may end, but the end may only be changes in traffic, which are deeper Level changes, or a relocation and transformation ushered in the traditional wholesale market. According to industry insiders, in early December last year, the Shijiazhuang City Government had established a market relocation leadership office, and the relocation of the two major markets may be on the agenda again. 1. Lao Wu who is currently on the sidelines to investigate Lao Wu, who has been living on tricycles in Nansanjo Market, is a bit worried because starting from February 15th, the roads within the Second Ring Road (inclusive) will be 24 hours away. 'Three cars' are restricted.   The policy mentioned by Lao Wu refers to the 'Notice on Regulating the Management of 'Three Vehicles' in the Urban Area' issued by the Shijiazhuang City Government. It is pointed out that 'three vehicles' refer to operating manpower tricycles, electric and fuel tricycles, electric and fuel four-wheelers (excluding models in the national announcement catalog). The above three types of vehicles include illegally modified and assembled three- and four-wheeled vehicles. Starting from February 15, 2014, the 'three vehicles' will be restricted to traffic within the second ring road (inclusive) of the urban area and the extension line between the second ring road and the third ring road on the main street.   This kind of tricycle that is about to be restricted is Lao Wu's 'rice bowl'. The 40-year-old Wu has been 'running' in Nansantiao Market for four years, mainly relying on tricycles to pull goods for a living, mainly to and from the freight center, passenger terminal and wholesale market. 'I can earn more than 100 yuan a day, and when it is good, it can reach two to three hundred yuan. After a month, it is about 5,000 yuan. In addition to all the costs such as food and drink, there is also more than 3,000 yuan left.' Lao Wu He said that as soon as the news of the 'three-cars' restriction came out, he felt a drum in his heart, 'Now let's wait and see, and I won't go to the passenger terminal for the time being to pull goods. If it is completely banned in the future, I am going to buy a small single row to continue. Pulling goods, but the cost is much higher. In addition to traffic jams and fuel costs, if the number of cars is restricted, the logistics cost will not increase by a little.' Liu. Lao Liu runs a toy store in the Jinzheng Toy Market in Nansantiao. “The goods sent by logistics are mainly drawn by tricycles on the market. Some of them have a large quantity of tricycles. The cost is relatively low. The average cost is one month. It’s only a few hundred yuan. The'three-car' limit will definitely have a big impact. If you can’t pull the goods, how can you sell it?” “If trucks are used in the future, the logistics cost will exceed 1,000 yuan per month. In this case, The competitiveness of commodities will definitely decrease.” Lao Liu reckoned and said, “It is getting harder and harder to survive in the old wholesale market in the city center. I have already bought a shop on Xizhaotong, and nearly half of the shops in the mall are also After buying a store there, everyone will wait and see. If the market relocates, they will be able to leave immediately.”    Old Liu said, in fact, in recent years, because of the limitations of the market area and the inability of all parties such as logistics Comprehensive influence, market customers have been lost, influence and market share are declining year by year. 'The two shops in the cultural gift city in front have just retired some time ago, and the boss is not going to work here in Shijiazhuang.'   2, once the third largest market in the country is now out of ten. 'Shijiazhuang's wholesale market has always In a state of shrinking, Baigou has become the largest wholesale market in Hebei Province. It has become the largest wholesale market in Hebei Province.' Many wholesale markets, including batches, are planning to relocate. 'A pure wholesale market is no longer enough to reflect the core value of the core area.' Fu Jiaren, deputy general manager of investment promotion at Shijiazhuang International Trade City, also introduced that from the perspective of the development of the wholesale market in recent years, due to geographical restrictions, the southern The function of traditional wholesale markets such as Sanjo as a distribution center for wholesale markets in North China is gradually weakening. 'In recent years, the Shijiazhuang Nansantiao and Xinhua Wholesale Markets have shrunk into regional wholesale markets that are not only Baoding in the north, Handan in the south, Yangquan in the west, and Xinji in the east. The reasons are that, apart from the development of transportation throughout the country, In addition to the wholesale markets that have been established, the most important thing is a series of difficulties caused by the wholesale market being located in the city center, such as high rents, traffic congestion, and increased costs.' An industry insider said frankly.  The provincial capital wholesale market missed the best relocation opportunity?  Lao Liu said that the existing market does have great limitations, and merchants are also very aware that it will be a matter of time before the market relocates. Therefore, many nearby merchants bought shops in the market outside the Second Ring Road, and made plans in advance. 'The relocation of the two traditional old wholesale markets actually missed the best strategic opportunity period for the provincial capital.' Cao Runting, for example, said, 'Take Zhengzhou as an example, the relocation is early, and the final market development will be much better than Shijiazhuang.'   It also stated that most of the wholesale markets in provincial capitals across the country have gradually moved out. Its convenient transportation, fast logistics, and low purchase costs have attracted a large number of merchants. As a result, the Nansantiao and Xinhua wholesale markets in the provincial capital have been shrinking their wholesale functions. , The retail share is increasing year by year. If things go on like this, the Shijiazhuang wholesale market may exist in name only.
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