Pumpkins and other'Halloween' toys are popular

by:Ennas      2021-12-14

New Evening News, October 31st, on Valentine's Day, the value of roses doubles, and Christmas apples turn into 'peaceful fruits'. Today is 'Halloween' in the West, and it's always the pumpkin's turn to take the place. After hollowing out the flesh, engraving the nose and mouth, the pumpkin lantern is made. Recently, the reporter visited the Bingcheng Market and found that the sales of pumpkins, the props for Halloween, have been rising all the way, and they can sell the amount of the past week in one day. In addition to pumpkins, various 'Halloween' costumes and toys have also been welcomed by consumers.   Pumpkin sales increased sharply   'This week, pumpkins have become a rarity. My family sells nearly 20 pumpkins every day, which is almost the same in a week,' said Du Baorong, owner of Baorong Vegetable Shop. In order to ensure that the pumpkins are selling well, Du Baorong has to pick pumpkins like a baby when they are on the market these days. Buying two, most of them went back to make pumpkin lanterns, and the pumpkins became sweet and sweet.” Now there are pumpkins on the market for 3 yuan a catty, and you can buy a 3 catty for less than 10 yuan. The public buys it back and makes it by hand. The price is quite good. .  There are all kinds of props  In foreign countries, 'Halloween' is also a children's carnival. Dressing yourself up as a variety of cartoon characters, carrying a basket with your friends and begging for sweets from house to house, is the favorite thing for children to do. The reporter searched for ''Halloween' children's costumes' on Taobao, and suddenly more than 30,000 treasures popped up, including cartoonish 'Superman costumes'Skeleton outfitThe types of 'Halloween' props range from hats, cloaks, canes to pumpkin lanterns.   Taobao data shows that the transaction index of ''Halloween' Children's Costume' in the last 7 days has risen by 73% from the previous month. In the past month, 2,190 people in Heilongjiang Province bought 'Halloween Children's Costumes.' ''Halloween' props' were also purchased by more than 400 people.   Merchants do their best to attract customers   In the toy sales area of u200bu200bToukang Market, each shop is full of various props, some of which are slightly horrifying, and are more suitable for adults to have parties. In order to attract more customers, the bosses all put on a complete set of Cosplay costumes to solicit business in front of the store. According to the owner of a toy store, more than 200 pumpkin lanterns have been sold every day, which is the amount in the previous week.   In terms of prices, masks range from RMB 5 to RMB 10, clothes range from RMB 10 to RMB 60, various wizard hats range from RMB 5 to RMB 40, and spectacles with alternative shapes can be purchased for RMB 5. “There are at least 100 kinds of light clothing and 30 kinds of hats, among which suits are the most popular,” said the boss, Mr. Tong. “Buy a set for 20 or 30 yuan, plus hats and glasses, and you will be happy if you don’t exceed 50 yuan. Have a'Halloween'.'
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