
Prospect analysis of the toy industry: What is the important driving force for the growth of consumption in the toy industry in the future?

by:Ennas      2022-01-11
my country is a major exporter of toys. About 75% of the world's toys are produced in China. The development of the domestic toy market is affected to a certain extent by the prosperity of the global toy industry. From the perspective of the global market size, due to currency depreciation, economic downturn and other factors, the growth rate of the toy industry has slowed down, maintaining a growth rate of 2%-4%; specifically, mature toy markets such as North America and Western Europe are highly saturated. The growth is slow, and the growth rate is lower than average; while the emerging toy markets such as Asia-Pacific and Eastern Europe have grown rapidly due to the increase in residents' income and the growth of toy consumption expenditure, and have gradually become the main driving force for the growth of the toy industry. With the development of the global toy market, my country’s toy exports have also steadily increased. In 2017, my country’s toy exports reached US$23.9 billion, an increase of 28% year-on-year. It is an important toy exporter in the world; while domestic toy exports are mainly concentrated in Guangdong, Zhejiang, and Zhejiang. Jiangsu, Shanghai, and Fujian are five major provinces and cities, of which Guangdong Province’s exports account for 67.39%, which is the province with the largest domestic toy export volume. Generally speaking, due to the slowdown in the growth rate of the external demand market, rising domestic production costs, changes in the RMB exchange rate, etc., and my country’s toy exports are dominated by OEMs, the added value of products is low. The impact of end-to-end products is obvious, and the domestic toy export market is facing many pressures. However, at this stage, the growth rate of my country's toy exports is significantly faster than that of the global toy market. The demand for domestic toys in foreign markets is still increasing. The capacity and market accumulated in the early stage will help the toy export business continue to grow under pressure. The terminal consumer groups of domestic toys mainly face children aged 0-12. On the one hand, as our country moves from family planning to policy adjustments to full second-children, the policy side gradually liberalizes the birth policy; on the other hand, it is the third time at this stage. During the echo period of the baby boom, the population born in the last round of population peak is at a fertile age. The combination of two forces is expected to bring a new round of population peak, and industries related to newborns and young children will take the lead in benefiting. Toys The industry is expected to carry a demographic dividend to increase the number of end consumers. Specifically, starting from 2011, with the exception of a slight decline in 2015, the number of newborns continued to grow; 2016 was the first year of the implementation of the comprehensive second-child policy, with 17.86 million new births, a year-on-year increase of 7.9%. Newborn babies will become an important driving force for the growth of consumption in the toy industry in the future.
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