
Precise business positioning to create a big market

by:Ennas      2022-02-15

The key to whether a gift can be popular in the market and dominate the market is whether it can target the specific needs of special groups and do a good job of precision marketing. As long as a good gift has a clear and accurate positioning, an insight into the needs of consumers, plus appropriate packaging, conceptual hype, and a complete implementation of the brand communication plan, it will surely be sought after by thousands of consumers in the market. For gift dealers, it is also necessary to be clear about their goals, and not to be greedy for everything. Sometimes a product of a company can make a gift company make a lot of money. For products such as energy cups, oxygen bar lights, and tablet computers that once swept the gift industry, some gift companies only rely on one of them to kill the Quartet. Successful gift precision marketing case:      1. Cerebral platinum: a banner of gift-placed marketing. Success cheats:    health care products + gifts u003d health concept gifts u003d big hits directly placed advertisements. u003d The first choice for gift giving has a thorough understanding of the nature of the industry, and a clear understanding of the huge gift market in China, but there are no large-scale positioning gifts. The first large-scale advertising that directly appeals to the first choice for gifts, the industry's position and product positioning succeed! Make consumers When you think of gifts, you think of melatonin, and melatonin has become the first choice among gifts! Although it was scorned by some experts, but it was very buying, so that advertisers can more clearly know what the nature of the advertisement is. This completely seized this new one. The market, leaving competitors far behind, swayed alone on the calm blue sea. Comment: After the success in occupying the position, the popularity and the increase in sales, it did not pay attention to the follow-up planning of the brand, and lacked product segmentation and brand reputation. Construction, brand equity is very low, follow-up brand extension is weak, and attention should be paid to the danger of the brand being wiped out due to public relations incidents.      2. Jinliufu Liquor: Define the success secret of the festive market: corporate brand endorsement + gift-giving wine culture + traditional Chinese national blessing Cultureu003du003dThe concept of 'Fu' as a hot-selling choice for gifts to relatives and friends and the brand endorsement of Wuliangye wine quality, two aspects have succeeded in occupying a place in the minds of consumers.   Comment: After all, it is ordinary wine. After all, wine is suspected of hurting the body. As a gift, it has more limitations. The segmentation of the population is not sufficiently excavated, and the products lack diversification. 3. Yedao Lugui Wine: Positioning as a gift wine. Cheats for success: high product value (health wine) + subdivision positioning of the main crowd u003du003d the first choice when filial father is the father’s tonic wine' positioning, easy to enter in one sentence In the minds of consumers, it is a good choice to honor fathers. [NextPage]    Comment: There are other alternatives for products that honor fathers. The brand's follow-up building power needs to be strengthened, and the market space is not large enough.   4. Mai socks: segmented and positioned for mid-to-high-end business men Success secrets:     break the status quo of e-commerce single-buying products, original product + service' model; innovative business model to order year-round socks and deliver them to your door in installments, and send them to beloved, respected people, and have helped you The gift-giving concept of 'people' takes the route of personal gift-giving and corporate gift-giving market. Most people sell socks in two ways: direct sales and distributors, but Mai Socks.com has greatly innovated in the sales model: socks are not sold in pairs, but socks that customers need throughout the year. For customers, we adopt the model of door-to-door delivery in installments, which ensures that customers will not wear socks for a year. And only sell one style of socks, two colors, specifically for high-end business men, this group of people often have one of the biggest characteristics: busy! There is no time to pay attention to the very important but often overlooked socks issue. Not only does Maisock.com meet the needs of this group of people, but it also plays a gift card, which is another number card. As we all know, China is a country of etiquette and gift-giving is very popular. , I have to admire the cleverness of the operators of Mai Socks! Regarding the group purchase of corporate gifts, Mai Socks.com proposes three major advantages that are very attractive: 1. Give it several times a year, showing the corporate image many times; 2. The publicity materials to be sent, not only gifts, but also publicity; 3 .Giving socks can give customers an intimate feeling!   Comment: The product is relatively single, the business model is relatively simple, and the specific needs of specific groups of people are well grasped.   Summary:      To make a product, you must be the first brand, otherwise it will be difficult for long and hard to do well. If you don’t be the first, you can’t really succeed. Product value, conceptual positioning, brand packaging, advertising volume, and follow-up planning are all indispensable.     Summary and discovery:      1. Chinese people have a strong sense of gift giving, but the products are monotonous, homogenized, and gifts are popular.  2. The gift market is scattered, the ideal gift is hard to find, and the gift knowledge is lacking. Gifts follow the trend.  3. Gift companies lack brand management, lack of professionalism, and separate company management from store management. 4. At present, most of the gifts with high sales are traditional tobacco, wine, medicinal materials, and health care products that individually emphasize functional value; urban people have a desire to choose new ideas, hoping to express their level, taste, and quality (such as brain-friendly products). Tired of platinum functional products, etc.).  5. At present, business gifts are developing rapidly and have great potential, but there are currently no categories and mature brands with large single product sales.   6. Chinese etiquette culture is far-reaching, cultural and artistic gifts are scattered, and most of them do not have strong sales concepts, positioning, and franchise.
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