Playing with boxing and toys

by:Ennas      2021-11-07
[Summary] **Recently, former boxing champion Tyson uploaded a video of himself playing with his daughter skateboarding. In the video, Tyson fell to the ground after only sliding for a few seconds. Obviously he can play boxing very well. Not suitable for playing with this kind of toy.     As everyone knows, Tyson is a well-deserved king in the boxing ring, but in other fields, this former super boxing champion may not be so good. **Recently, Tyson showed a short video of himself playing with his daughter's toy skateboard. Obviously, the former boxing champion, at least for now, can't play the sport very easily. He fell directly to the ground.   In the video, Tyson stood on the skateboard tremblingly, but after only a few seconds of sliding, he fell to the ground. But of course, for the former boxing champion, this was just a pastime, and he laughed happily when he fell on the ground.   Then he uploaded the video to social media and wrote to himself: Obviously, playing with my daughter’s toy is a pretty good idea...
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