Plastic restrictions extend to emerging markets

by:Ennas      2021-12-14

Recently, the International Organization for Standardization iso released 'Toy Safety Part 6 Certain Phthalates in Toys and Children’s Products' (iso8124-6:2014), which is applicable to plastics, textiles and coatings in toys and children’s products. Detection of phthalate content in layered parts. This new ISO standard will bring new challenges to the export enterprises of toys and children's products in our city. The plastic restriction order extends to emerging markets. It is understood that phthalates are a general term for esters formed by phthalic acid, which are often used as plasticizers for plastics and are widely used in plastic products such as toys and children's products. Due to its potential hazards, the substance is highly concerned by the markets of developed countries such as Europe, America and Japan. After four years of research and investigation, the Chronic Hazard Advisory Group (chap) of the US Consumer Safety Commission released a hazard analysis report on such substances and their substitutes in July this year. In view of its harm to children's reproductive system and endocrine system, it is recommended to further strengthen supervision. At present, only a few countries such as Europe, America and Japan have established monitoring systems for phthalates in toys and children’s products. The issuance of this international standard provides important technical reference for the establishment of relevant monitoring systems in some emerging market countries, which will accelerate the The international trend of phthalate restrictions. According to industry insiders, “The detection of phthalate content has become a new mandatory test item for Chinese toys exported to developed countries such as Europe, America and Japan in recent years, and excessive phthalate levels are also the reason why foreign toys have been exported to China in recent years. The main reason for the recall is notified.” Toy export costs will increase. It is understood that plasticizers are mainly used in toy cars, baby bibs, children’s raincoats and other products to increase the softness of plastics. “In the past two years, I Most toy companies in the city have reduced the use of plasticizers in toys, such as changing the material of toy packaging from pvc to pet. PVC will definitely use plasticizers in production, but pet is a soft plastic and does not need to be anymore. Add plasticizer.' Xu Changsheng, general manager of Quanzhou Jinxin Toys, told reporters. However, Xu Changsheng said that the cost of pet will be about 20% higher than that of pvc. For some companies that use plastic as the main material, the impact will be relatively large. If most toy companies only use plastic in a certain part, or If it is used in packaging, the impact on the total cost will not be too great. It is estimated that the total cost will increase by 1-2%. In this regard, relevant persons from the Quanzhou Inspection and Quarantine Department reminded children's product export enterprises to strengthen the source control of raw and auxiliary materials, implement the in-factory inspection of key raw and auxiliary materials, and ensure product quality and safety from the source; secondly, to improve the quality of children's products , The standards should be aligned with developed countries as soon as possible, through the use of substitutes or product upgrades, to avoid the use of phthalates in production; in addition, attention should be paid to the last inspection before shipment to minimize export risks .
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