Pedestrians - — Li Xiangqun art

by:Ennas      2021-10-10
Core tip: show name: pedestrians - — Li Xiangqun art exhibition location: Beijing, China, national art museum of China no. 1 hall, hall, exhibition hall 9 time: 8-2012 9 - 22 ~ 2012 - 9 - 25 open screen display name: pedestrians - — Li Xiangqun art exhibition location: Beijing, China, national art museum of China no. 1 hall, hall, exhibition hall 9 time: 8-2012 9 - 22 ~ 2012 - 9 - Open the curtain type: 25-2012 9 - 22 comes to curator: laozhu organizer: China artists association, national art museum of China, tsinghua university to undertake units: zero co-organizers art center: visual and image research center of Peking University, Chinese modern art file support units: taikang life insurance co. , LTD. , Beijing culture and art communication center ( Hong Kong) Co. , LTD. , Beijing edson dico minga visual entertainment culture co. , LTD. , the media support: fashion, sina collection, art, contemporary art exhibition art net, Hi introduction: 'pedestrians - — Li Xiangqun art 'is Li Xiangqun solo for the first time in 34 years solo exhibition, exhibition will render its art and thoughts of the new breakthrough. At the same time because of the addition of Beijing university of Chinese modern art files, works in combination with a large number of documents, data and video, Li Xiangqun art reflects the problem consciousness of parsing. Exhibition mainly divided into three series: series of MAO zedong's portrait, the pile of cloud & # 8226; Pile of snow 'series, etc. The 'big Forbidden City' an area of two hundred square meters, all white brass casting, took six years to complete. The solo exhibition more pieces will meet with the public for the first time. Li Xiangqun through a small statue of feeling to directly touch the nerves, and the history and reality of individual resistance and criticize, and therefore get in art of modernity and the political modernity on the double breakthrough. There is no doubt that the exhibition will be full of surprises and thinking, by triggering biological sense of the absurd and historical memory conflict, give a person with the impact on the soul. The exhibition will be a touching and memorable experience.
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