Opportunities and competition in the preschool education market, elite resources gathered to help the kindergarten take the high-end route

by:Ennas      2021-12-20

With the continuous advancement of the three-year plan for the second phase of preschool education, the simultaneous development of public parks, private parks, and foreign-funded parks has begun to take shape, and parents have a wider choice of preschool education institutions. At the same time, game-led preschool education new courses have gradually become the direction of development. In the era of policy innovation, technological change, and surging capital, the characteristics of the park are constantly being shaped in accordance with the current situation, and the creation of a high-quality famous park brand has become the common choice of the industry. In order to vigorously promote the sound development of preschool education in China, this year, the China Toys and Baby Products Association will launch the China Toy Fair Exhibition 'Preschool Education Supplies Exhibition' at the Shanghai New International Expo Center on October 20-22 at the Shanghai New International Expo Center, by introducing global elite resources , Focus on cutting-edge topics in the industry, expand the scale and improve categories, and other new measures to help kindergarten principals, heads of early education institutions, etc. understand the new concepts, new trends and new products of the global preschool education industry, take the route of high-end boutiques, and operate in the fierce market competition Stand proudly on the tide. Twenty forums brought together global elite resources to help the principal open a new pattern of preschool education. This year, the preschool education supplies exhibition changed the traditional new product display mode, organized the world’s top preschool education resources to gather in the mainland, and reached a strategic cooperation with Didacta, the German preschool education association, to fully display The latest developments in the industry, interactive discussions on topics that the principal cares about, enhance the actual combat capabilities of the park. The preschool education supplies exhibition will invite scholars from the Ministry of Education to analyze the new trend of preschool education policies. The principal can listen to the new content of the '3-6 Children's Learning and Development Guide' and understand the government's five areas of health, language, society, science, and art. Guidance spirit; international experts are invited to talk about the status quo and trends of overseas parks, and the principal can learn about the concepts and characteristics of the United States, Germany, the Netherlands, South Korea, Singapore, etc.; invite preschool education professors in normal schools in East China, North China, and China to play Teaching aid research academic report, the principal can listen to the new creative design achievements of the sports, construction, performance, science, music, art and other corner activities based on the characteristics of the park; invite the principals of demonstration parks such as Shanghai, Nanjing, and Hangzhou to conduct teaching and research cases Sharing with management experience, you can learn about teacher management, curriculum design, teaching evaluation, cultural construction and other practical results with the principal of the venue. At the same time, more than 20 sub-forums will be organized during the exhibition, and thematic reports will be given on the creation of excellent principals, homeland co-education, information construction, 3D interactive games, virtual teaching, environment creation, space design, etc., to comprehensively enhance the core competitiveness of the kindergarten . Thousands of garden supplies are readily available, new products and new courses are purchased in one step. The preschool education supplies exhibition and the same period of the China Toy Fair and China Baby and Children Fair have ranked first in Asia in terms of overall scale, attracting thousands of well-known companies from more than 30 countries and regions around the world Preschool education brand. In 2015, the categories of preschool education supplies were more balanced. While consolidating advantageous categories such as play teaching aids and amusement equipment, it also increased courses, laboratories, books, new teaching technologies, and environmental creation elements to meet the one-stop procurement needs. Not only can the head of the meeting have access to the teaching aids covering the activities of the major districts, infrastructure products such as floor mats, lawns, desks and chairs, bedding, amusement equipment, and teaching consumables such as colored clay, stationery, paintbrushes, paper products, and cloth art, and kindergarten All kinds of necessary game education books, and you can also enjoy popular robotics laboratory projects, such as i-know, Ge Wu Stein, and Le Bo Qu; experience a brand-new curriculum system, such as the colorful happiness tree of the Foreign Research Institute and the thousands of inks Logic Mathematics and Creative Reading, Golden Thumb’s Orda and GABE courses, preschool babies’ art and craft creative QQ mud, Sino-German Wisdom Logic Dogs and Early Birds, Oriental Star’s Nine Segments and Panorama Mathematics, Calami, Wisdom Stars, etc. ; In addition, you can personally participate in the technical practice provided by three-dimensional interactive teaching brands such as Little Bear Neo, AR School, etc., to form a unique garden feature. A few days ago, the pre-registration system for buyers of the preschool education supplies exhibition has been fully opened. The director of education (director of the board of education), chief of preschool education (director of kindergarten office), director of preschool education research office, director of kindergarten, head of preschool education research institutions, The person in charge of the preschool education company, the person in charge of the early education organization and the agents of preschool education supplies, distributors, industry venture capitalists, etc. log on to the official website http://system.china-toy-expo.com/2015/visitor/preregc.asp, call 010- 66038881-215 or scan the QR code for pre-registration, you can enjoy the new product recommendation service provided by the organizer, learn about the latest developments of the forum in the first time, grasp the new preschool education brand, and seize new business opportunities in the preschool education field.
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