Often cause misunderstanding figurines, unsuspecting tourists see it, many will call for help _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2020-06-06
Core tip: in the world we live in, there are many countries, each country has its own history and civilization, and in the long history, tend to produce many great figures in the world we live in, there are many countries, each country has its own history and civilization, and in the long history, tend to produce many of the great man. And many local people in honor of the great man often make their story into a statue. It's not just a statue from foreign. It is easy to cause the misunderstanding of tourists, many unsuspecting visitors see at once he will call for help. This statue is located in the city of Prague old neighborhoods of high-rise buildings, believe everyone first saw this statue, would think that is a real person is hanging in mid-air. And the name of this statue is also very simple, called hanging, though its creators did not say what he wants to express intentions, but always let a person have so a little misunderstanding. Under the statue is actually a very famous pedestrian street, a lot of guests are here to walk, for fun or something. But if you're walking, suddenly looked up and saw the head hanging in mid-air. Believe that the first reaction is to yell for help, please, with the help of the police actually have such a situation, are not in the minority. It is understood. The statue depicts a, older, middle-aged man, height about 1 m 6. Easily caught with the hand, ramshackle iron cover, and the left hand is inserted into the pocket, was extremely easily, the small sculpture is about ten meters off the ground. Have to say that this is a very creative design, but his position seems white some unique, so many people looks panicky up for it. It is known that when the statue is on display, and caused a great sensation in the local. Thus it is also a lot of tourists as the world's most easily misunderstand a statue. Many unsuspecting people are often scared at a loss, and even call the police!
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