Nintendo’s revenue in the first quarter of fiscal year 2020 reached 3581 yen, and 'Dongsen' and 'Fitness Ring' helped revenue rise

by:Ennas      2022-01-20
On August 6, Nintendo officially released the company’s first quarter fiscal 2020 financial report. The first quarter sales reached 3581 yen, a year-on-year increase of 108.1%, and operating profit reached 144.7 billion yen, an increase of 427.7 year-on-year. %, the profit under the current account increased by 576.2% to 150.3 billion yen; the quarterly net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company reached 106.4 billion yen, an increase of 541.3%. Sales of game console-related businesses increased by 113.2% year-on-year to 3,445 yen. The overall sales of Switch hardware and software increased. IP-related sales (including peripheral products, mobile game krypton gold, etc.) increased by 32.7% over the previous year, reaching 13.2 billion yen. Nintendo Switch sold 3.05 million units and Nintendo Switch Lite in the quarter. Exported 2.62 million units, a year-on-year increase of 166.6%. This quarter, 'Animal Crossing Friends Club' sold 10.63 million copies (cumulative sales of 22.4 million) 'Mario Kart 8: Deluxe Edition' sold 1.97 million in the quarter 'Exotic Sword: The Decisive Edition' The quarterly sales volume of 1.32 million 'World Games 51' sales volume of 1.03 million game software this quarter total sales volume reached 50.43 million, a year-on-year increase of 123% due to the new crown epidemic, the production of Switch consoles was affected, but it has basically resumed in October 2019 The global cumulative sales of 'Fitness Ring Adventure' on sale at the end of July this year is expected to exceed 4 million. Although the production and shipment of 'Fitness Ring Adventure' accessories continue to increase, the shortage should continue for a while. time. Source: 3DMGame
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