Nazi-themed toys to teach children to remember history

by:Ennas      2021-12-16

Polish toy manufacturer Cobi Toys announced that it will continue to sell Nazi-themed toys, just to educate children to remember history. (Webpage screenshot) Polish toy manufacturer Cobi Toys announced that it will continue to sell Nazi-themed toys, only to educate children to remember history. (Webpage screenshot) Cobi Toys CEO Robert Podles insisted that ensuring that these toys and games are on the shelves can help children remember history in a fun way. (Screenshot of webpage)    International online special article: According to the British 'Daily Mail' report on December 4, despite the public opposition, Polish toy manufacturer Cobi Toys announced that it will continue to sell Nazi-themed toys, called Educational Kids Live history.   Cobi Toys CEO Robert Podles insisted that the introduction of such toys and games can help children remember history in a fun way. Burres said: 'We believe that while having fun, we can also teach children history, and we will continue to sell these toys. We cannot separate history. Unfortunately, since World War II, our history, our The entire history of Europe is entangled with Nazism and cannot be shaken off. '   Toys sold by Cobi Toys include Nazi tanks, soldiers, and other military toys. Of course, there are also Soviet, American and British toys. Previously, the Swedish department store Gek?s in Ullared had announced that it would stop selling Nazi-themed toys. The company’s chief executive Boris Lennerhov explained: “This is not an idea we want to promote.”    Cobi Toys is not the first company to suffer setbacks by selling Nazi-themed products. In October, Spanish clothing retailer Mango issued an apology statement. Consumers thought it was similar to the Nazi SS logo on a shirt of the company. The clothing chain Zara was also forced to withdraw a jersey in August because of complaints that it was similar to a concentration camp prison uniform. Polish toy manufacturer Cobi Toys announced that it will continue to sell Nazi-themed toys, just to educate children to remember history. Polish toy manufacturer Cobi Toys announced that it will continue to sell Nazi-themed toys, just to educate children to remember history. (webpage Screenshot)
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