National youth figurines home 173 gathering 'artisan and meaning - — With the sunrise? Youth figurine art exhibition'

by:Ennas      2020-06-22
Core clew: China gallery director, vice chairman of Chinese artists association, China's urban figurines home show, the exhibition academic association chairman wu, a professor at this exhibition theme after in the national youth China gallery director, vice chairman of Chinese artists association, China's urban figurines home show, the exhibition academic association chairman wu, a professor at this exhibition theme through small statues in the national youth arts widely collection and selection, in the home in more than 900 manuscripts, selects 173 pieces of elaborate works, together and become 'artisan and meaning - — With the sunrise? China youth figurine art exhibition ', is currently with the sunrise of nanjing museum of art exhibition. The organizers hope that through this exhibition, express 'beginner's mind, never forget the little statue of the great era' of the message. Exhibition by the China gallery director, vice chairman of Chinese artists association, professor wu, chairman of the China association for urban figurines home academic art chief, Chinese figurines home city association, with the sunrise group hosted, directing committee of the national urban figurines construction art committee, the China art research institute China figurine courtyard academic support. Show total chair professor wu wrote about academic art exhibition theme, 'the beginning of art, statues first', how in today's small sculpture creation high the torch with national spirit, blowing horns, time is our large figurine art workers shoulder the historic mission, to build 'Chinese spirit, Chinese style and times style, international vision' is the contemporary Chinese figurines 'artisan and meaning - — With the sunrise? The China youth figurine art exhibition 'beginner's mind. Wu pointed out that the young generation artists through all sorts of possibilities, strive to explore match The Times with the style. This kind of pursuing new and change efforts, not only for its own development has accumulated rich experience, also for young artists provides valuable resources and coordinate reference. According to introducing, this session of exhibition of young artists figurines, in the knowledge structure and educational background on the vast majority are fine arts colleges and universities related education background, they have to learn, strength is relatively solid, view is broad, is growing up in the new period of the figurines new power. Their modeling technique based on traditional figurine art and aesthetic idea, think to modernism, post-modernism, the traditional cultural spirit in contemporary life value and the role of international cultural context interweave phenomenon and the conversion method to observe and comprehension. In the tradition to the modern transformation, natural to the form of transformation, the mutual aspects of art in the east and west, showing new age style. After rounds of careful selection of the art review committee, be seleted work fit exhibition 'to re-examine the power of freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting', 'the return of the spirit and reshape the' dual purpose, different regions, different groups, different genres figurine art charm. In addition, the exhibition brings together the 'classic scene' part of the old two generations in the figurines and part of the works of a master of arts and crafts. These works and young artists and placed in the same space, and shows the different times, different ages, different experiences of the artist's creation, also explains the relationship between art and life. Professor wu in exhibition opening ceremony speech: we hold such a young artists exhibition, I am very sigh with emotion, is also very touched, also have deep feelings. I first moved to bring together a small statue of national experts, in the party's policy on literary and artistic route guidance, conscientiously, have the spirit of craftsman in hard has a broad humanistic feelings and lofty ideal of art, to the pursuit of art, realize their life values, create the physique and temperature. I also moved by we of the older figurines home, they have the lofty ideal of art, and smashing life experiences from ourselves to the next generation. Wu said, we are committed to do research, committed to leading the creation, through some activities to organize everyone, condensed, gather in China power in the field of figurines, spread the Chinese spirit. Shaping the soul of a nation with a small statue, carved itself is subtraction, model is additive, lose those who shouldn't have some, along with those who have some of our national culture, is the Chinese spirit. We should be in the world, to study the Chinese tradition, we have to in-depth, take root in people's life, the deep and colorful traditional culture and national culture as well as the unique red culture and vibrant contemporary culture, in the form of a figurine for display. We should not only show in China, we have told the story of China to the world. At exhibitions, predecessors figurines home generally has the study abroad experience, they are accept western and Chinese culture, created a large number of high-quality goods figurines. This batch of artists of early Chinese city construction, through a small statue art express zeitgeist has made an important contribution. In this exhibition, viewers can fully realize the older generation of young artists and art in different subject matter and form of dialogue, in the context of culture in different periods, the artistic value and values on the dialogue. Artists to pose for the older generation of artists to smashing the life experience of handed down from ancient times to the next generation of bring together the three generations of artists figurines 'dialogue'
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