National art funding to promote the exchanges symbiosis capacity -- — Upcoming 2016 statuettes invitational exhibition

by:Ennas      2020-06-21
Core tip: sponsored by the China national art academies with 'coexistence and co-prosperity' as the theme of small sculpture exhibition, is China's national academies declaration in 2014, the national art fund 2015 annual audit project funding exhibition project sponsored by the China national art academies with 'coexistence and co-prosperity' as the theme of small sculpture exhibition, is China's national academies declaration in 2014, the national art exhibition project fund 2015 annual audit project funding. On March 7, 2016, the national art fund will formally the exhibition entitled 'symbiosis has - — 2016 China figurine invitational exhibition '. On March 20, 2016 by the national academies figurine institute held its first part of the researcher and media representatives in Beijing start work; On August 12, 2016, and held a second job, After nearly a year of preparation, and finally form the present authors, 101 113 exhibition scale exhibitions. The exhibition will be on November 14, 2016, the national academies in China art gallery opened as scheduled.
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