Nanjing small statues stolen: children play gyro is still there, gyro

by:Ennas      2020-06-16
Core tip: before the National Day, nanjing old door opened east block. As a business card of nanjing culture, here is a lot of old nanjing people's nostalgic memories. But as citizens have revealed yesterday before the National Day, nanjing old door opened east block. As a business card of nanjing culture, here is a lot of old nanjing people's nostalgic memories. But as citizens have revealed yesterday, is located in the old east door a group of small statue in the historical block has been the 'destruction'. 'Today, I went to the old east door, surprised to find that 'play gyro ( Nanjing words: brush luo tuo) Small statue of the elements, 'luo tuo' even chassis gone together. 'Recently, there are people of fact, and it says' play gyro 'sculpture, is located in the old door the statue of a group of east area, a lot of people, it can be classified as old doors as a cultural mark of east region. Yesterday morning, reporters came to the old site visit to the east door. This group of figurines record is several scenes of children playing traditional games playing gyro, modelling also maintained a small statue of several children waving a whip high posture, but the earth gyro and tray has already gone, leaving only bare ground and residual rivet. 'The gyro block before opening. 'More than 70 - year - old Mr. Tian has lived in the old east near the door for decades, he told the reporters, this group of figurines would have had, but there is no management, and the gyro is old construction of the east door. It is understood that these figurines are made by pure copper, the price is not low. Reporter saw the scene, although near the 'gyro' cameras, but we have learned is the late add, has not been actually used. For this, the reporter telephone interview first management nanjing east door historical block management co. , LTD. , declined to be interviewed. Then the reporters to the unit, it still blaming, declined to comment.
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