Mount putuo SongZi guanyin Buddha

by:Ennas      2020-06-23
Core tip: saying and grandchildren, the ancient philosophers in qian sun, etc. , are all people to her children's hope, if the most efficacious for guanyin Buddha, it is in mount putuo. Mount putuo as Buddhism and grandchildren in a proverb, the ancient philosophers qian sun, etc. , are all people to her children's hope, if the most efficacious for guanyin Buddha, it is in mount putuo. Mount putuo as buddhist mountains, is one of the buddhist culture tourism destination, with various generation tang song yuan Ming buddhist culture connotation and construction. Copper Buddha but also many kinds of them, main worship the Buddha Buddha, manjusri, samantabhadra Buddha figure of Buddha. Among them, the ancient philosophers hall SongZi floor SongZi guanyin Buddha, is the place where it is widely recognized and feel efficacy. The copper Buddha as early as the qing emperor kangxi 'cedar seed temples' period, the buddhist nunnery guanyin SongZi 'soft touch' the efficacy of examples is endless. SongZi building after building, our # the ancient philosophers SongZi guanyin is more famous, renowned both inside and outside. The universal gate chapter of the mahayana sutras guanyin bodhisattva records: 'a desire male, week support avalokitesvara, was born at the man of wisdom. Set for female, was born with the daughter of straight, SuZhi Howard this, and they love to'
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