Moore figurine at the Dutch national museum

by:Ennas      2020-06-16
Core tip: British figurines home Henry & # 183; Moore's 12 pieces of small sculpture on display in the Dutch national museum of new garden. Moore's public art works all over the world, most of the exhibition works the figurines home Henry & # 183; Moore's 12 pieces of small sculpture on display in the Dutch national museum of new garden. Moore's public art works all over the world, most of the works of this exhibition is the first time in the Netherlands. Henry & # 183; Moore in his large cast copper is famous for its small statues and marble statue. With empty, reclining figure modelling style is the most typical Moore figurine, the modelling is regarded as he was in Paris, France in 1925 saw a man named 'Chac Mool' thor, g - The mayan figurines and is inspired. Moore's early works on the empty usually takes the form of more traditional, such as bending arm are connected to the main body, later evolved into the main trunk of empty, so the subject is concave and convex or curved shape. The ups and downs of curve shape also is considered by many as the rolling hills of his birthplace Yorkshire terrain of inspiration.
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