Method for the identification of jade _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2020-06-12
Core tip: everyone loves jade ornaments and jade carving, but for jade identification method is few people know that actually jade jade identification is a knowledge, if you like it, you can look at it in the identification of everyone loves jade ornaments and jade carving, but for jade identification method is few people know that actually jade jade identification is a knowledge, if you love it, the identification method can look at it. A glance view color method of hetian jade is fundamental key with white, and blue color, color is uniform. White jade, especially the suet white jade is specific to hetian jade. Nanyang jade jade and they also can be white, but no is hetian jade, some impurities such as green. Blue sapphire, sometimes confused with green jade and jade and so on easily, to grasp the characteristics of the blue, it is between blue and green. Hetian jade jade son some have, though though color is brown, more confined to the local. Two analysis method of hetian jade dense texture and fine texture, moisturizing, soft oily luster, give a person the sense with soft in see just, white jade is especially striking. Other jade has a fine texture, but less oily luster and hetian jade. Three test method of impurities and the quality of the jade pure, impurities. The impurities of iron and graphite are common. Impurities throughout crackle, have different color rendering, brownish or brown-black, visible to the naked eye. Graphite in black, distribution in mo. Four judgment method of hetian jade hardness hardness in 6. 5 - 6. 9, engraved with their steely knives, and its hardness is similar jade jade, jade nanyang, chalcedony, etc. Jade hardness of 6. 5 - 7. 0, nanyang jade hardness of 6. 0 - 7. 5, chalcedony is 6. 5 - 7, can be used to distinguish other characteristics.
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